Cosmic Consciousness Daily

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Blog


Announcing my 2017 Summer Retreat to Chalice Well, England, August 19 – 26. Please watch this space for registration to open in the next few days. (If you’re interested, email me, and I will put you on the list to receive the flyer in the next few days)…

Check out all the new Cosmic Consciousness from Christine Clemmer, Shelly Leal, Ray Rolando, Marie DesRoches, and Anne Harris!

We have reached the end of the ‘3’ month of manifestation, AND the end of Mercury’s transit through Aries, at least temporarily. Tomorrow we move into the ‘4’ month, the month of building and structure, and Mercury slows down considerably, in preparation for his retrograde station on Sunday April 9 at 4 Taurus. Consider that Mercury usually moves more than a degree a day, and now he is moving so slowly he will travel over only 4 degrees in the next 10 days. In fact, starting tomorrow, Mercury will enter a very prolonged storm period, which will last ALL THE WAY THROUGH his retrograde journey! Understand, Mercury always enters a few days of a storm period when he goes retrograde, (the storm period is defined as a series of days when Mercury consistently moves less than one degree a day). It may be that because Mercury is stationing in Taurus, a notoriously slow moving quality of consciousness, that the storm is going to stay in effect throughout the entire backwards journey. It seems that we are in SUCH a huge new transmutational process affecting the new mental operating system that we are going to have to move in slow motion.



After all, Mercury’s retrograde will deliver us right back to the Light Bridge (on April 28 – May 12). Mercury connected with the Uranus/Eris-Jupiter/Haumea Light Bridge last weekend, when the energies became so overwhelming we couldn’t make much sense out of anything for a while.


We knew whatever was happening had its purpose, and we are now finally beginning to get a grip on things, but it’s all about Mercury going through an entire retrograde journey only to return to this Light Bridge that is the Truth of what’s going on. When Mercury gets back we will totally get it, and the events going on in the world will reflect it.


Mercury will remain in storm mode until just a couple of days before he recovers his direct shadow, around May 15. That is one very huge, very prolonged storm period. Mercury’s storms often coincide with powerful storms here on the planet, and then of course there is the s**t storm that is the government right now.


Though I am loathe to make predictions, I am certain that these new investigations will not take years as predicted, but will take just the length of the storm period till Mid May to clear things up. I said a while ago that the beginning of June will see a significant change in the situation in Washington DC.


And the storm is not raging in the US alone. Nearly every country on the planet is experiencing its own brand of upheaval. Though it will absolutely take until 2020 2021 to complete this cycle and move on to a new one, these current changes are unavoidable, because the storm is so unusually prolonged.


But for today, Mercury moves from Mars’ sign into Venus’, and he will spend his entire stormy retrograde journey moving through the domains of these two planets and then return to the Aries/Libra Light Bridge. It seems to me there is a real masculine/feminine rebalancing process taking place.


Best to sit back and watch it happen, since we know it is already completed. Stay tuned to you.


“The way is not in the sky.
The way is in the heart….”

– Buddha