Registration will be open before Mercury goes retrograde for my 2017 Summer Retreat to Chalice Well, England! Please Stay Tuned…
Check out all the new Cosmic Consciousness from Christine Clemmer, Shelly Leal, Ray Rolando, Marie DesRoches, and Anne Harris!
Today’s entry opens and closes with channels from brilliant Jan Finley. Jan said she channeled this in response to my writing about the recent Mars Quaoar manifestation:
“It is through our connections to the people, places, four leggeds, concepts, and so on around us that we need to communicate, not through words. This is the essence of the Divine Feminine rather than the chatter of the mind. It is direct connection and communication, which leads us directly to oneness.
We are being drawn back (forward?!) into the realm of the Divine Feminine, the Triple Goddess, who governs all of life and watches over our journey through this earthly existence from birth to death. The mother who makes difficult discussions for her children. The mother who nurtures and guides us. I hear her voice, listen to me . Pay attention. The time is now. Come together. Observe and nurture your connections. It is a time for roots to grow from your heart, while your hands are open and freeing. This is not holding on, unwilling to let go. This is a knowing, an acknowledgment, a welcoming of the divine connection that unites all of life on this earthly plane. Allow this connection to deepen and listen to what it shares with you. But know this, the triple goddess has no fear of cleaning house.