Cosmic Consciousness Daily

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Blog

image by Lauren Fox

REGISTRATION IS NOW OPENĀ for my 2017 Summer Retreat to Chalice Well, England!

AUGUST 19 – 25: CLICK HERE for details and to get on board….

CheckĀ out all the new Cosmic Consciousness from Christine Clemmer,Ā Shelly Leal,Ā Ray Rolando, Marie DesRoches, andĀ Anne Harris!

HAPPY EARTH DAY and I mean that from the bottom of my heart, even though it FEELS a lot like an oxymoron right now. Off all the new 5D archetypes represented by the Kuiper Belt planets, the one that is most aligned with Mother Nature and the environment of our planet is MakeMake. It’s no surprise that of all the aspects that take place today, (there are four, and three of them are with 5D planets), the SUN forms a Great Eliminator (inconjunct) with MakeMake, bringing Mother Nature and her undeniable vitality front and center.












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