Cosmic Consciousness Daily

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Blog

image by Lauren Fox

REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN for my 2017 Summer Retreat to Chalice Well, England!

AUGUST 19 – 25: CLICK HERE for details and to get on board….

Check out all the new Cosmic Consciousness from Christine Clemmer, Shelly Leal, Ray Rolando, Marie DesRoches, and Anne Harris!

Mercury is making his way back to his station, and he will go direct on May 3. But by the end of this week he will have reached the Light Bridge, where he will spend 5 or 6 days transmuting the mental operating system yet another time. That station promises to turn everything around, since the whole world is being created (more like projected) by the mind. It’s best to realize that the station is happening now, and to let it happen, without any interference from the mind that needs to understand. It doesn’t. It is far more important to spend the moments of this week centered in the heart. Venus dominates as she crosses back over the world axis after her retrograde journey back to Chiron.









A great wholing has taken place, and some of it is very obvious already. The Divine Feminine is as empowered as we’ve ever known her, and she’s only just getting started. The week ahead features a Taurus new Moon, disposed by Venus, bringing the heart and matters around the newly grounding feminine directly into the spotlight. Venus also completes her Light Bridge with MakeMake this week, making this the perfect time to go into the heart and practice coming from there and only there.


Venus is also making her way to the High Way that is the Bridge to Awakened Unity consciousness, (the Uranus/Eris-Jupiter/Haumea polarity). She will arrive there just as she recovers her shadow (on May 19). On that day she will bridge Jupiter and spend he net two weeks lending her divine feminine magic to the transmutation of our higher Selves.


Mercury recovers his shadow on May 18. These two rulers of the masculine/feminine Self are both now approaching the Light Bridge and they will spend the next month or so engaging with those powerful energies that are transforming life as we know it. Venus completes her visit to the Light Bridge on June 3.


Those visitations will transform everything, but it’s important to note that the REAL event is the balancing of male/female energies, which will need some extra space (once known as ‘more time’) to manifest fully. Venus and Mercury are currently coming toward the Light bridge from both sides of it, and Mercury, if you’ll recall, is STILL in a storm period. That is, he is moving less than one degree a day, and that will remain so until he recovers his shadow on May 18.


After that day Mercury will begin to gain speed, and he naturally moves faster than Venus. The two are, however, coming together for the big balancing event, and this will take place twice. Once when Mercury is retrograde (at 17 or 18 Sagittarius on December 15 of this year) and for real on March 4 2018 at 28 Pisces EXACTLY conjunct Chiron. You may recall that Venus just went direct at this same exact degree conjunct Chiron, just a week or so ago.


When we look at this moment unfolding, it is obvious that the balancing of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine is well underway. It is happening, and if it is happening, then it has happened. All we have to do is let it manifest without interference. Interference comes from the mind, the LOWER mind, and we’ve already learned that the lower mind has no real place in the fifth dimension of our experience.


We can truly sit back and watch the show. But never lose sight of your Self.


“To get the most success out of life have no agenda other than to give whatever you can in the present moment. A smile, a laugh, a quarter, a helping hand, an introduction or just your listening ear is more powerful than you can imagine. Beneath every gift is the knowing that the Universe is abundant and that you lose nothing by giving away what you have. Others will feel comfortable in your presence and all good things will find you – WITHOUT seeking them.” 

– Jackson Kiddard