Cosmic Consciousness Daily

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Blog

Venus infused with the Light Bridge (Image by Lauren Fox)

IF YOU’VE BEEN CONSIDERING JOINING US for theĀ 2017 Summer Retreat to Chalice Well, England, NOW IS THE TIME. There is room for only one more! Ā OR YOU CAN CHOOSE FROM TWO REMOTE ATTENDANCE OPTIONSĀ for this very important journey that will focus on reunifying the Divine Feminine…

AUGUST 19 – 25: CLICK HERE for all the details and to get registered….

CheckĀ out all the new Cosmic Consciousness from Christine Clemmer,Ā Shelly Leal,Ā Ray Rolando, Marie DesRoches, andĀ Anne Harris!

That out of bounds Mars is very active this week, forming a new Light Bridge (with Saturn and Ixion) at the end of the week, and today connecting very dynamically with the current, ongoing Light Bridge, notably with Haumea and Eris (and later with Uranus). Mars, representing the physical body and all things related to the physical world and our energy, is busily working to make a connection between these two High Ways. Mars is actually GENERATING the Saturn Ixion Bridge, but he is also kicking off and in his inimitable way ACTIVATING the new Pathway, which will be regenerated over and over again by all the other lower four body rulers and Ceres in the weeks to come. This is very much what Mars does best, and as he is currently in Geminie AND traveling outside the ecliptic, we can expect both unprecedented activity at the physical/energy levels, AND we will witness many a dying gasp of the older, Mars-based lower male energies.


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