Cosmic Consciousness Daily

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Blog

Mercury infused with the Light Bridge of new Infrastructure (Image by Lauren Fox)

REGISTRATION FOR MY LIVE 2017 SUMMER SOLSTICE WEBINAR IS NOW OPEN!                                 TOMORROW NIGHT, THURSDAY JUNE 22, 7-8:30PM EASTERN Attend the Live call or not. ALL registrants automatically receive the MP4. CLICK HERE to register. EXCHANGE: $30

LIVE ATTENDANCE FOR MY 2017 Summer Retreat to Chalice Well, England IS FULL!

BUT Please lend your energy to this all important event with your remote participation. TWO OPTIONS are available. AUGUST 19 – 25: CLICK HERE to register for etheric attendance….

Check out all the new Cosmic Consciousness from Christine Clemmer, Shelly Leal, Ray Rolando, Marie DesRoches, and Anne Harris!


This is one very amazing day that sends us into and entire weekend of major new CREATION energy. The Sun enters Cancer just after midnight and the Solstice is upon us. Mercury follows the Sun into Cancer at around 6am EDT, but first he forms a MAJORLY IMPORTANT Light Bridge with Quaoar, the archetype that facilitates our capacity for original thought. By original I mean the pure and unadulterated KNOWING that began all that is.


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