Cosmic Consciousness Daily

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Blog

Star Of David (Image by Lauren Fox)

PLEASE JOIN ME FOR A SPECIAL LIVE WEBINAR ON THE UPCOMING WORM HOLE PASSAGE. Saturday July 22, 2017 12 -1:30pm EDT. I am extending the invitation to my Monthly Master Class to all who want to know about the imminent Particle Convergence Total Soular Eclipse and so much more. You will automatically receive the MP4 with registration, whether you attend the live call or not. CLICK HERE to REGISTER:  EXCHANGE: $30

LIVE ATTENDANCE FOR MY 2017 Summer Retreat to Chalice Well, England IS FULL!

BUT Please lend your energy to this all important event with your remote participation. TWO OPTIONS are available. AUGUST 19 – 25: CLICK HERE to register for etheric attendance….

Check out all the new Cosmic Consciousness from Christine Clemmer, Shelly Leal, Ray Rolando, Marie DesRoches, and Anne Harris!

“I am noticing changes happening in our species quite rapidly. Different
aspects simultaneously shifting now gaining momentum, accumulating—like
raindrops subtly, collectively bringing moisture to the parched Earth. There is
a moment when the dirt is no longer dry and parched but is moist, holding
water once again, its structure is changed, life multiplies, expands, and the
hidden potentials of abundance become manifest.”  Laura Rath
Amazing, isn’t it? These are the realizations that are showing up for many of us right now. I am always blown away at a person who believes he or she is simply waxing eloquent while delivering some of the most poignant new consciousness available to any of us.
Today there are SEVEN important planetary events taking place in the cosmos. I have never seen that many dynamic events take place in one day, nor have I ever attempted to put them all up on the site… But here goes….






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