Daily Weather for October 18, 2022

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Blog









My latest webinar, Pluto Turns Direct: The Midterm Stretch was a great  event that took place Saturday October 8, 2022. You can purchase your copy of the MP4 right here.

Also, each Wednesday night,  for the next few weeks, I will offer a class on 5D transits. There is nothing more important than understanding the power of the transits… Each week I will use charts of well known people to demonstrate how significant the transits can be. You don’t have to know a lot about astrology, i promise you will learn a great deal each week. Sign up for one class, to try it out, or for all of them… REGISTER HERE




Mercury and Mars continue to work their chemistry together, producing all new Mind/Body alignment that has yet to be fully revealed. This will continue for about a week, at which point Mars slips out of bounds and goes retrograde a few days later. We are headed for a major physical upgrade, IF we can allow it without too much worry or fear. Meanwhile, this turns out to be a majorly personal day, as the Sun and Venus both form stepping stones to Pluto. Arcturus sits in between Venus and the Sun today too, elevating the heartfelt experiences we are having to a cosmic status. Mars, though slow and draggy, is in a beautiful resource with the Sun/Arcturus/Venus new cycle, making for more productivity than we’ve seen in a very long time.

On top of all this, the resource forms a finger of God with Neptune, adding the depth and perhaps the clarity or lack thereof. Neptune transits can be crystal clear or crazily foggy, it all depends on where you’re coming from. These aspects are so interesting, as they can be extremely  positive, but they can also be shadowy and dark. Pluto’s presence makes for that reality, and there is no way to know how things will go. Let them be. Let them unfold, and if you do, all will be well.

Even if it seems all is NOT well, I promise you, it is. Let the world unfold, let reality be revealed to you, and don’t project your fear or doubt onto it. This effort will insure a happier outcome. The Leo Moon today helps lift our spirits a lot. And Since the Sun/Venus new cycle is disposing that Moon, we are emotionally involved in all that’s going on. Just be sure to keep a safe distance from whatever scares you or worries you.. Remember it’s all an illusion anyway, and we have to get through the next couple of difficult months to realize a more fulfilling time.

With that Finger of God pointing at Neptune, it’s hard to stay afloat emotionally. Lift your focus, your vision, and stay tunes as best you can to your higher Self. The answers you are searching for are all within you. TRUST.


 Peace of mind is clearly an internal matter. It must begin with your own thoughts, and then extend outward. It is from your peace of mind that a peaceful perception of the world arises.”

A Course In Miracles-  Lesson 34