Varuna is a cubewano, one of a cloud of objects pursuing eccentric paths around the Sun beyond the orbit of Neptune, and most likely a dwarf planet. It rotates rapidly (which is rare for objects so large) with a rotational period of 6.34 hours, hence its shape is very elongated. Its surface is moderately red (similar to Quaoar) and small amounts of water ice have been detected on its surface. Varuna has an estimated diameter of 900 kilometers, which makes it slightly smaller than Charon (Pluto’s companion).
Varuna was first observed on November 28, 2000 by astronomer Robert S. McMillan in the Spacewatch Project at Kitt Peak Observatory near Sells, AZ. It was located at 10 Cancer 29 at 9:51 a.m. MST. The discovery team was led by David Jewitt of the Institute of Astronomy in Honolulu. When it was discovered, Varuna was the largest such planet-like body yet found, and so was assigned the significant minor planet number of 20000, though there are now numerous known bodies larger than Varuna.
Varuna follows a near-circular orbit – similar to that of Quaoar, but more inclined. Its orbital period also is similar to Quaoar, but slightly longer. It takes 284.65 years for Varuna to orbit the Sun once. It spends approximately 25 years in a sign. While there is no information on this planet’s retrograde cycle, Solar Fire shows Varuna with an apparent retrograde pattern that runs roughly from November through April, when it resumes direct motion. These dates will likely change at some point, but for now, because the planet moves so slowly, this is its fairly regular sequence.
The comparisons between Varuna and Quaoar point to some kind of connection between these two archetypes. Consider that in Cosmic Consciousness, Varuna represents new vision, while Quaoar represents new thought.
Varuna’s orbit is a little more distant from the Sun than that of Pluto – it never approaches the Sun by less than 40 AU – but complexities in the orbits of these two bodies mean that Varuna can at times lie closer to the Sun than Pluto.
The orbits of Varuna and Pluto have similar inclinations and are similarly oriented. But unlike Pluto, which is in 2:3 orbital resonance with Neptune, Varuna is free from any significant orbital disturbance from Neptune. Neptune’s influence doesn’t cloud Varuna’s vision. Perhaps the similar orientation and inclination of Varuna and Pluto reflects that they have a similar transformative effect on our consciousness.
And although Varuna is associated with water like Neptune, Varuna is more about the higher consciousness of water; in other words, where Earth is mostly water, which is associated with Neptune, Varuna represents the symbolic meaning (consciousness) of water that ‘flows’ throughout the universe.
Varuna is the name of an ancient Hindu creator-deity, part of whose province was the celestial ocean: a suitable name for a body circling the outer reaches of the Solar System (at the time). He created heaven and earth and determined their outer limits, as the horizon. He is also responsible for ensuring that the sun crosses the sky each day, for rainfall, and the order of seasons. Varuna is the supreme keeper of human order and god of law, insisting that people be truthful and honor their oaths and contracts.He is sometimes described as having a thousand eyes with which he oversees the whole world, or as encompassing the entire world. Varuna means “he who covers” in Sanskrit.
Varuna was a Vedic deity of vast power. The name ‘Varuna’ comes from the ancient Sanskrit tome, Rig Veda, which depicts him as a sky god who presides over the celestial ocean and cosmic law, where order is born out of chaos. As a huge overseeing energetic, Varuna relates to the evolution of ‘the observer’ perspective that enables healthy detachment from the drama of the lower self, and ultimately heightens our sensory faculties and non-verbal communication ability.
Varuna is the archetype of the perspective of Source, representing a higher vision of wholeness, beyond the veils and illusions of separation, beyond time and space. Unless we work with an awakened consciousness, all Varuna can do is knock at the door from the awakened side. Varuna is there, and named, and so whether we have ever heard of it before or not, it exists and serves as a reflection that awaits our fully awakened consciousness.
Varuna has a breadth of vision that is beyond what we are accustomed to. Its symbol is an eye. His vision is bestowed from the highest observer’s perch that is possible for us at this moment, and his perspective rises as ours does.
If we were to look at all of God’s Creation from His perspective, we would see the Oneness of everything. God Sees all, without separation or judgment. Everything is, in God’s eyes.