Cosmic Consciousness Daily

Stephanie Azaria & Shelly LealCosmic Consciousness Blog

HERE’S MORE COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS FROM  Shelly LealJan Finley, Christine ClemmerSonreya, Beth Nolte and Bernice Kadatz!

If you missed Stephanie’s master class “The Turning Point” it’s not too late. Click Here to purchase your copy.

AN UPDATE FROM  STEPHANIE: I am recovering slowly but surely, still having some trouble with my eyes, waiting, according to doctor’s orders, another few weeks to see if things get better. The sabbatical I’ve been on is doing me a world of good. I am feeling far more buoyant and hopeful for the future and what it holds. I am incredibly grateful to Shelly for holding down the fort for me as she has, and for all the others who contribute to the site on a regular basis.
As mentioned before, Black Moon went retrograde on 3/15 and direct on 3/16, in a near-miss resource with Neptune. For the entire time she has been on the 21 Taurus degree, and today, moving verrry slowly, she finally makes that Neptune resource before going retrograde again at – you guessed it – 21 Taurus. That has to be the longest period Black Moon has ever spent on one degree, and it’s important.

It matters that Black Moon has effectively stationed on that particular degree, where she is in resource with Neptune. So many seem to be living in a dream or a different reality; so many of us are seeing clearly the need for a new vision for the world we are all creating, consciously or not. While it may be hard to get a handle on what we are experiencing, compassion, Love, and the courage to get beyond any fears that arise is required.
Venus disposes Taurus, and Venus makes a stepping stone with the Galactic Center (aka Source) and a resource with Sedna. Source is Love, and we have the opportunity to access ancient wisdom to rise above lower emotions and make that connection with Source.
Ceres, our mothering, nurturing midwifing energy, makes a resourceful aspect with Saturn and great eliminator with Vesta. We have access to the structures and boundaries necessary for Self-care. It’s important to choose what and who we let into our energy space to keep our frequencies high.  
Here again is Ellias Lonsdale’s meditation on 21 Taurus, where Black Moon unveils the resourcefulness of Neptune. It is reprinted with the author’s permission from his book Star Sparks, and is so appropriate for our times:

Taurus 21:    A statue of Hermes decked with brightly colored garlands.

            “When the inside path lights up and calls, the soul is fortunate and truly blessed. It is that point where the greater truth becomes the radiant center of existence. So much falls away. Other things arise which are now of great import, for they are part of the infinite journey.
            We live inside the world in our spacious practices of making way for that which is beyond experience or metaphor. We simply cannot stand away from the awareness that we are chosen, that we are tapped.  We are meant to follow the inner light and not deviate from wherever it calls us, from now unto forever.
            As we become adept in these hidden, lost arts, we are then assigned to go forth into the outer world to serve in ways that often seem far removed from this inward dimension of our lives. Yet what we encounter, as we bow before the wisdom of the path which opens us into the world, is everything we could ever need in terms of being able to see through the apparent drama into the soul and its essence. Each one becomes the revelator, every situation lights up with something far beyond what seems to be going on.
            Whether outside or inside, active or contemplative, multiple or singular, the adept of the mysteries is focused upon enhancing what is here, unfolding what is inherent, respecting what requires spacious beholding for it to show its true colors. The great art is to not be noticed, not seem to be doing anything, but rather to spark everything around us to potentiate, to emerge, to acknowledge the gift.
            This is a subtle discerning path. It is consciousness crafted from the finest materials. So carefully put together that it can represent faithfully the ways of existence when creative Intelligence is working its delicate special magic.
            Almost everything that happens is symbol, is synchronicity, is portal to something which would not arise without that opening. When awareness is schooled in this fashion, it only has one job to do. The task is to cut through illusion and fashion a vessel for truth. To do this quintessentially is to be inside the mysteries while at home in the world.”

Looking for a reading? For a 5D astrology reading based in Cosmic Consciousness, please email me at