Cosmic Consciousness Daily

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Blog

Black Moon Crosses World Axis, Reenters Pisces

   Black Moon on the World Axis

PLEASE JOIN ME FOR A MOST MOMENTOUS ASTROCHAT,”OPHIUCHUS the 13th sign and the new Cosmic Consciousness.” PLEASE NOTE THE DATE CHANGE: Saturday, September 12. 1:15-4pm EDT. Everything has changed. Come and help me fine tune the new Cosmos… Exchange: $75      CLICK HERE to Register.

HERE’S MORE COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS FROM  Shelly LealJan Finley, Christine ClemmerSonreyaand Vivian Small!

For the next week or so, the Black Moon will be dancing back and forth over the World Axis, at the 0 Aries point. The most important things in this world happen when there are planets on this point, and the Black Moon, though not technically a planet, is the MAIN balancing point for our Earth and Moon, and that means this is that moment we’ve been hurling toward for a some years now. This is the in breath. The moment when the Truth is finally unveiled, and by moment I mean this very special, sacred space of a week or so.

Keep your eyes peeled. Not on the glitter and shiny stuff…not on the obvious smoke and fog. Stay riveted to what might be behind the curtain. It will all be obvious now. We will see it and be both amazed and not at all surprised at the same time. The thing is, we have to see it and we have to act on it.
What we do now will determine just how long we will have to live with the horrors of what our decisions have wrought. It could be  a minute and it could be some years.  It’s best to remember that we no longer live in time/space. Fear makes the “time” grow longer. Love makes it disappear.
Mars forms a stepping stone with Chariklo today, and this is one of the important stepping stones that constitutes the hero’s journey. Chariklo has a stabilizing effect. This may or may not work in our favor. Do your best to stay centered in 5D, where you know it is all perfect and everything passes. The more stable you are, the more stable the whole scene will be for you.
Later this evening the Black Moon forms a gorgeous Light bridge with Astraea, the Goddess of the divine Feminine Portal of Truth, where all new life is birthed. Look to the highest vision you can muster. What you focus on becomes your world.
These next days are very intense in that they deliver us to the wild and crazy next chapter of life on earth. Stand back. Observe and let it all be.


“Learning to let go should be learned before learning to get. Life should be touched, not strangled. You’ve got to relax, let it happen at times, and at others move forward with it.”
~Ray Bradbury