Stephanie Azaria’s Cosmic Consciousness Satsang is held via teleconference on the first Wednesday of every month for one hour at 7pm EASTERN TIME.
However, this month the event will be held on: Saturday, November 16, 2013 at 12 noon EST.
This month Spiritual Teacher and astrologer Stephanie Azaria, in an hour of Q&A, focuses on a big topic:
What is an Eclipse, REALLY?
Another eclipse is coming! Understanding this extraordinary energy can change your life. Are you ready?
Please send your questions regarding this subject to Stephanie via email, at, or you can ask your questions when you get your PIN and phone number for the teleconference after registration. There is a place there for pre-event questions.
If you cannot participate in the live call tomorrow night, you will automatically receive an MP3 within 24 hours. Please note that these files will be sent to the email you registered with. File is suitable for iTunes and other audio playing software.
To register for this event, please e-mail with the subject line NOVEMBER REGISTRATION.