For the week of January 8 – 14, 2018:
Get ready for a week of major calibrations, shifts, and realignments, delivering us to the upcoming worm hole passage that opens on January 15th with the New Moon in Capricorn. We’re heading towards a massive portal of epic transformation and redesign. This current week brings us to the edge of uncharted territory while removing all filters and brakes, allowing for a whole new perspective to emerge as we expand our consciousness at lightning speed.
There’s no turning back. Once we fully open our eyes and hearts, we’ll never fall back asleep or pretend to slumber in the limitations of our minds or in the past conditions and stories. Once we remember that anything is possible, we’ll never compromise or settle, ever again. As we awaken, we remember the truth, that we are Love, originating from Unity and Wholeness. In the vibration of Love, we are all connected, and there is nothing lacking, missing, or broken. There is enough, there is abundance, and we are infinitely expansive. The medicine and the cure is in our connectedness, through the frequency of Love.
Whatever story we’ve experienced in this lifetime that proved otherwise, is simply a polarity of possibility. Every pendulum swing is unified by wholeness. To experience a moment of lack or separation means there’s also an equal potential for abundance and connection. When we allow ourselves to move through the full spectrum of our experiences, we can see the infinite possibility that is always available. The key to shifting is to elevate our perspective to wholeness, widening our scope of vision multidimensionally. We contain the entire pendulum within us, along with the power to choose where we operate from.
The universe is infinite, and our belief system creates the framework that allows available options to manifest and appear within that context. If we want to shift our reality, we can’t look outside of ourselves to change what we’re seeing. We must first stand empowered and responsible for our framework, the themes we’ve chosen to experience and work with, even if we’ve been choosing from an unconscious belief system. Once we awaken to our current reality, we can alter our perspective to select something new.
The power to choose is available to us all. Through conscious discipline, we can elevate to a more expansive and empowering paradigm. The possibilities are limitless. When I am empowered, I am infinite. When I am disempowered, I give my power away, and the options appear scarce and fixed. Our responsible practice is to find our own personal edge where we experience resistance or limitation, and consciously bring our awareness to that edge, allowing it to naturally expand. It’s important not to judge or feel defeated when we do discover our personal edge, instead, find gratitude for the feedback and the information that makes it crystal clear where our expansive potential exists.
Our ability to manifest a whole new world lies in our ability to perceive something we’ve never known before, beyond our historic conditions or status quo. Where we’re headed is brand new, and our minds can’t even wrap around what’s available to us, because we’ve never seen the available options in tangible form before. It’s more important than ever to remain seated in the heart, with the most expansive vision of the infinite realm, and eyes wide open to receive the activated blueprint of our soul’s purpose, encoded within the heart.
In order to see something we’ve never seen before, we must stretch beyond the framework of filters and beliefs that hold together our current scope of possibility. As we do, we expand to new dimensions, and we begin to see with new eyes what’s been there all along.
The week begins on Monday 1/8 with a Sun Jupiter resource, a Venus Jupiter resource, and a Mars Pluto resource. Resources offer support, and Jupiter is expansion. Today sets the tone of the week ahead, and prepares the way for the wormhole passage, by expansing the awake and conscious heart. The Mars Pluto resource supports the transformation and resurrection of our physical reality. As we awaken to the opportunities for expansion, we discover our previous edges of limitation, which are dying and sloughing off to allow for a new possibility to emerge.
Tuesday 1/9 is a triple conjunction of the Sun, Venus, and Pluto, together forming a perfect resource with this past weekends’ Mars Jupiter conjunction. The Sun, Venus and Pluto create a new cycle in the journey of the conscious heart emerging. This transformation of the heart is what’s pioneering the way ahead, expanding our reality into something brand new.
Wednesday 1/10 is a Sun Mars resource as Eris stations direct and Mercury recovers his shadow. We’re supported by brilliant light shining through all the shadows of our current reality as the great inner awakener pauses and turns around, ready to move forward powerfully. We’re on the edge of new ground, within ourselves. This is personal, as we’re telling the truth and revealing it all…to ourselves. We’re wiping the slate clean and preparing for a whole new game.
On Thursday 1/11, Mercury enters Capricorn, crossing the world axis and bringing our operating systems into a new chapter, approaching Saturn for a whole new expression and manifestation. Mercury is in a great eliminator with Varuna, and is conjunct Quaoar in the most anticipated new cycle we’ve been birthing. As we clear the old limitations from our scope of vision, we allow our operating systems to connect with the infinite realm, harnessing unprecedented potential within our minds and reality. This is the shift we’ve been waiting for to elevate to a whole new dimension of possibility.
Friday 1/12, Venus and Eris are in a stepping stone and the Sun and Eris are in a stepping stone, all while Eris is still in her station, activating an extremely dynamic still point. This is a massive calibration moment for the heart, with our full attention and conscious light tuned in. We can’t ignore the awakenings emerging from within, and it will serve us well to allow whatever comes to reveal itself. Whether we’re shedding old skin, erupting the truth, or dissolving the outdated structures of compartmentalization in our hearts, it’s time to surrender and let go. This clearing out is required to move forward, and the clearing is a gift of the highest order.
Saturday 1/13 is the 3rd of 3 Mercury Saturn conjunctions, revealing the newly upgraded and highly refined structures that will manifest and sustain the next steps into the new world. Venus is in a stepping stone with Uranus, and Venus is also in a resource with Chiron. This is a huge unveiling and awakening, as the themes of the upcoming wormhole passage emerge from the heart.
And on Sunday 1/14, the heart calibrations continue as Venus manifests with Sedna, Venus is in a stepping stone with Haumea, the Sun is in a stepping stone with Uranus, and Mars is in a great eliminator with Eris. Our hearts come home to our infinite truth and remembrance, calibrating to Wholeness and the universal frequency of Love. We are clearing the mistruths that have clouded our perception of reality while shedding our skin, eyes wide open, and ready for anything.
The practice this week is to be mindful of the edges of limitations, and gently soften into a new expansion and a new expression. We only know how far we can go when we meet our edge, and that edge is revealing an opportunity for expansion. Expansion doesn’t happen by force, it occurs with surrender, compassion and grace. Wherever you meet your edge this week, whether it’s spiritual, mental, emotional, or physical, find gratitude. Then take a deep breath into the resistance, and exhale as you melt into yourself, as Love. There’s nothing to push, nothing to force or make happen, simply celebrate, allow, and let go.
Meet yourself where you are this week, and trust that the week will deliver opportunities to find your edge, which ultimately leads to expansion. You are infinitely supported by the universe in every moment, your work is to soften the edges of resistance and surrender to the full experience. We are all being stretched so that we can meet ourselves and awaken our full potential. This week is preparation for the amazing 2 month wormhole portal ahead. Make good use of this time, and honor what’s arising in each moment with Love.
“Beyond the edge of the world there’s a space where emptiness and substance neatly overlap, where past and future form a continuous, endless loop. And, hovering about, there are signs no one has ever read, chords no one has ever heard.”
― Haruki Murakami,
Contact Christine Clemmer to schedule a 5D calibration session.
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