Cosmic Consciousness Weekly

Christine ClemmerCosmic Consciousness Weekly









For the week of June 20 – 26, 2016

Get ready for another HUGE week ahead as we witness the highest victory over the old paradigms of social consciousness, taking a giant step up into the new vibrational context of LOVE in the New Earth.  There’s no time to waste, this week is packed with powerful aspects, starting at 7am ET Monday morning…and in full throttle Eris/Uranus style, we definitely won’t want to hit the snooze button at all this week.  Now is the time to be present, awake, and deeply grounded in self care, with every cell resonating at the highest frequency of Unconditional Love.   Infinite possibilities are abundant, the future is being born now, and we are the pioneers of higher consciousness navigating it all.

We are all invited to wake up and greet the giant Full Moon Monday morning at 7am ET, and this particular Moon event is exceptionally powerful.   The Blue Moon, the 2nd Full Moon in a row in the sign of Sagittarius, brings us full circle from the transformative energies activated by the May 21st Full Moon and the Mercury/Mars bridge.   Individually, we’ve been in a deep space of mind/body purging and clearing, wiping the slate clean, and preparing for a brand new context of our social consciousness.   Monday’s Blue Moon occurs at 29 degrees Sagittarius, activating the World Axis AND the Galactic Center.  In Cosmic Consciousness, Sagittarius is the highest victory, the truth seeker, clearing the decks and ending the game of illusion and karma, preparing to enter a much higher dimension and frequency of communications with Source energy.  The Moon goes void immediately after for 1 hour, providing an intense reverberation of this rich, potent energy.   Like a sacred cosmic gong sending out ripples of sound vibration, reseting and recalibrating our unified consciousness to the frequency of Source energy, Love.   This is a great time to meditate in silence and allow the fullness of the Blue Moon energies to be absorbed and calibrated at the cellular level.

Jupiter rules this Blue Moon as the ruler of Sagittarius, connecting us to the archetype of benevolence, expansion, and social consciousness.   No surprise that Jupiter is also conjunct the North Node (collective Soul Star Chakra), activating our collective dharma with the master degree of highest truth and victory.   As the illusions of karma disappear and the 3D game demanifests, we stand on solid ground of the New Earth, rooted through our hearts in a brand new relationship with the Divine, channeling light through our bodies and into the Earth.

Monday is also the Summer Solstice, marking a significant point of expansion of light.   For the northern hemisphere, we are experiencing the fullness of light available, while the southern hemisphere experiences maximum shadow, reminding us of wholeness by unification and balance of yin and yang, and the infinite presence of light.  When we connect through Unity Consciousness, we all have access to Light 24/7, no matter where we are on the globe.   Solar power can be harnessed anywhere, anytime, through our consciousness.

The Sun moves into Cancer on Monday, bringing the light of our consciousness deep within the yin essence of our divine feminine energy, the heart of the mother, emotional power.   As we nourish, nurture, and love ourselves and each other unconditionally, we restore and fortify our hearts and emotional body for stamina and vitality.   Cancer is divinely yin, which appears in the dark shadow side of a yin/yang sign.   It’s important to recognize that sometimes our hearts awaken to the deepest most profound expressions of love and nurturing energy through times of shadow, grief, or loss.   We are expanding our social consciousness, and any opportunity to access deep universal love and compassion is an opportunity to unify our collective awakened heart.   As we experience a wide array of emotions and connect socially through the emotional body, remember to be the response of Love and Truth, and allow any historic emotional triggers or reactions to purge and clear in a space of reverence and equanimity.

Mercury is in his dignified sign of Gemini, which represents Mental Wisdom and Love in Action.   Look for Mercury to activate higher perspectives through multiple dimensions this week as he makes some significant aspects to the all important Wisdom Cross almost daily.   On Monday, Mercury forms a Bridge with Saturn, followed by a Mercury Neptune Stepping Stone.  Our operating systems and communications network have access to some major fine tuning, definition, and adjustments that will open gateways and dimensions for our new social communications, if we can step across the bridge and connect.   Saturn is a social consciousness planet that creates contrast and contraction, and can feel limiting from a 3D perspective (especially in a bridge aspect), but in 5D, it gives us the structure, discipline, and traction that supports our integration of these new higher communications.   Without a little friction or opposition, we may not challenge ourselves to test the limits (or breakthrough the limits) and see what’s possible.   In 5D, all things are possible, always, if we can altar our consciousness and communicate with Love.  As we cross the Mercury Saturn Bridge, we develop strength to take a giant step up into a higher perspective of clarity in the Mercury Neptune stepping stone, allowing us to see above the confusion or chaos.   Whatever situation has been unclear or unknown can be navigated through our inner communications, thanks to Saturn’s lessons and definition.

Mercury then forms a bridge with Jupiter.  After the contraction, expansion.   Get ready for a major leap ahead as our higher minds are stretched and activated like muscles in a gym, and now we see what’s possible through that extra discipline and conditioning.   The bridge with Jupiter occurs as Jupiter comes together with the North Node (collective Soul Star Chakra).   As our individual higher minds are stretched wide open, the collective dharma is activated, and our minds become the disciplined servants maintaining focus on our Soul’s purpose on the planet.    When we remember and see clearly the bigger picture and the higher purpose of our Soul’s incarnation,  we won’t tune back in to the lower vibrational channels of chaos, drama, or distractions that keep us dulled down, asleep, and small.    Where the mind goes, the body follows, and our cellular bodies are listening and tuned in to the inner communications from our higher minds.   This is a significant alignment and fine tuning that alters the cellular physical manifestation of our highest vision, Love, and it’s collective.   Which means the communication of our collective dharma is going viral, and expanding (embodying) quickly!

The South Node (Earth Star Chakra) is approaching Neptune (which is now retrograde), and the two will come together in November at the all important 9 degrees Pisces.   This is where we’re ultimately moving towards, the enlightenment of our karma and the embodiment of Light in the collective Earth Star Chakra.  Amazing!!!

Wednesday begins with a void moon from 5am to 4pm, and inside that void moon Mercury and Jupiter form a Stepping Stone as Jupiter Bridges Neptune.   Again, stretching open our higher minds, accessing the essence of Love in Action as we step up into a higher perspective of the events around us.   The Jupiter Neptune Bridge also connects the North Node to the archetype of enlightenment.   The ways in which our historic social consciousness has been limited, disconnected, or conflicted around the lens of Unity are now being called forth to a greater capacity for connection and understanding through Unconditional Love.

On Thursday, Mercury forms a great eliminator with Pluto, as we focus in on the highest vision with clarity and purpose, and eliminate what doesn’t align.  The more refined and elevated our vision becomes, the more potent and pure the manifestation will be.

The week completes as intensely as it began with a full day of aspects on Sunday.   Jupiter and Pluto form a manifestation, expanding our consciousness through transformation.  Mercury forms a Great Eliminator with Mars, which is still in a bridge with Sedna.   The Great Eliminator removes something significant from our physicality that needed to clear, just as Mars stations and completes his retrograde journey.   This final physical body clearing comes from that recent Mercury/Mars bridge conjunct Sedna, which was activated by the May 21st Full Moon in Sagittarius.  We’ve been working diligently to recalibrate our higher mind/body connection, to purify our cells by elevating our thoughts to a higher frequency of Love, and this Great Eliminator is the result of that purification process…a powerful physical transmutation by alchemy through the higher consciousness of Mental Love in action.   This is what’s possible in the New World!!!

The Moon goes Void at 4pm, holding space for a Mercury Uranus Resource and a Mercury Eris Resource at 10:30pm ET, followed by a Venus Saturn Great Eliminator at 11pm.   As our highly refined communications operating system receive late night downloads of mind-blowing potential, the inner guru of the heart makes a powerful decision that unleashes the heart from any outdated definitions or limitations, coming into an empowered still point with awakened mind.

Chiron is preparing for his upcoming retrograde cycle starting next week on the 27th, and we’re all about to awaken to a whole new level of self mastery through wholeness!  What an exciting time to be alive and in contribution on the planet!!!

The practice this week is to keep your focus on nourishing your Self while opening to the abundant wisdom that is available in every moment and every breath!  If you’re a lightworker, you’re here to deliver the communication of Love through every cell and fiber of your being.  We are being stretched wide open and amplified with the highest frequency of Light, so take care of your body, take care of your self, and allow that communication of Love to go viral wherever you are!!!



Contact Christine Clemmer at to set up a private session on the phone or remotely.