Cosmic Consciousness Weekly-Current Astro Events- September 9th

Lisa E ZimmermanCosmic Consciousness Weekly

By: Lisa E Zimmerman

We begin the final week of Mercury Retrograde in Virgo with Mercury slowing to turn Direct on Sept 15, while you focus on resting and retreat until it’s go time after next week. Your body and nervous system will thank you for de-stressing as you contemplate where you are.

Sept 8 – Sun trine Jupiter. This expansive energy promotes a big vision, can-do energy of ease and flow in which abundance is possible. With the Sun in Virgo and Jupiter in earthy Taurus, practical solutions and realities are favored and the material world is your oyster. Comfort, wellness, support and care are on the menu, as well as blessings of all kinds. Just say, “yes!” and allow the Goodness in. Old programming primes us for limitations and this is the override for beliefs that tell you things can’t be easy.

The week is fairly quiet, and I suggest being mindful as you go about your daily routine. Whatever you do, do it consciously and deliberately. And think about the intentions you want to create for the New Moon.

Sept 14 – New Moon in Virgo @ 6:40 pm PDT. The New Moon is a time of new beginnings and to plant seeds that will grow in the weeks ahead. What do you want to increase, create or develop in your world?

Virgo rules holistic health, work, productivity and service. This is a time to consider your wellness routines – food, sleep, exercise and all facets of health and care that keep you functioning at your best. Commit to adjusting whatever needs attention and handling anything out of order. Is it time for a cleanse, the dentist or a check up? Be your own advocate and do what’s right for you.

Being of service is healing for all involved and is needed now – from physical contributions to personal connection as the antidote for loneliness. Virgo loves to help. Please do what you can do to support those in need; open your heart and connect with the consciousness of Oneness. A loving presence is service, so you can be of service just by shining your inner light everywhere you go – and that is definitely needed…

Uranus trines the New Moon, activating change. This is perfect for when you’re ready to stop being who you were taught to be and are ready to be Authentic. It is exhausting to pretend (due to a fear of being bad or abandoned) rather than being true to yourself. The feeling of liberation is amazing and energizing. Maybe you are ready to take a baby step in this direction – or maybe you’re out of the closet already – or in some middle stage of claiming your truth.

If you feel stuck or stagnant, Uranus can give you the impetus to choose something real that resonates with your heart and soul. Or if you’ve recently been displaced or moved via circumstances, this is your opportunity to integrate/embrace a new role and acclimate to your new landscape (inner and/or outer) in a creative way. Uranus can activate ingenuity, innovation and genius – you can find new solutions, think outside the box and download brilliant ideas. Tap into the infinite possibilities that are available!

The New Moon in Virgo opposes Neptune in dreamy Pisces, which can create confusion in the 3D world with facts and figures. Virgo rules the mind, while Neptune is diffuse and nonlinear, so it can cloud details. Trust your intuition when making decisions now and stick to yes-no decisions. Don’t get complicated, this is not the time for that. Save contracts and data-driven needs for later after the Sun has moved on. However, Neptune can deliver messages from your spiritual connection, so pay attention to any hits of divine inspiration that come through for you.

This New Moon is organizational, intuitive and powerful for supporting your health and well being, as well aligning with the truth of who you are if you use it that way. Don’t push, don’t stress, don’t worry. Rather, check in to see where you abandon yourself by living a life that is out of alignment with who you are. Alignment means everything working together for your Highest Good; let that be the criteria that you measure your choices by. You deserve nothing less.

As always, I am grateful for your presence on our journey together.

© 2023 Lisa E Zimmerman. All rights reserved.

Lisa E Zimmerman is an Intuitive Astrologer and Coach, and Creator of Awakened Life Retreats, helping seekers discover who they came here to be and how to create an evolving, empowered and meaningful life. It is a joyful, heartfelt journey. ❤️