Current Astro Events – Dec 8, 2023

Lisa E ZimmermanCosmic Consciousness Weekly

Written by Lisa E Zimmerman

This week you may experience hope or inspired dreams that lift your spirits to renewed heights, as you envision possibilities that feel like blessings — fertile and full of promise! The New Moon in Sagittarius, ruled by optimistic, expansive Jupiter, aligns with your ideals, has a vision and is ready to go. This is fun and can be productive if you allow yourself to drop into it. More on the rest in a minute, but first…

Dec 9 – Venus opposite Jupiter. Venus (relationships, $$, values) opposing Jupiter (ruler of Sagittarius) can manifest in various ways. Jupiter in a hard aspect can overdo it. If something is good (and Venus is the good stuff), Jupiter wants more! Watch for overspending or overindulging in anything that feels good. Discernment is key; the boundaries are yours. Know when to say when. This could be a special dinner out, an engagement, a major purchase. With considered thought, you are worth it.
If you are usually frugal or don’t allow yourself to have much fun, this could be a good stretch for you. Again, in proportion to staying within reason. Be conscious and loving to yourself – and others. This is a judgment call, so shower yourself and others with love – and allow yourself to receive love, gifts and have fun! This is perfect for socializing and holiday parties if you’re into it, but watch for those who overindulge in drinking and other substances.

Dec 11 – Mercury sextile Venus. Mercury is mental processes and Venus is your values, and you are making decisions about what feels right for you going forward. Mercury in Capricorn is a decision-maker and a planner. Venus in Scorpio is deep and goes to your core values, an inside job. Mercury is turning Retrograde, so there will be time to reflect on how you want to structure your life going forward – what to keep and what to release. Mercury in Capricorn and Venus in Scorpio don’t make frivolous moves, so the time and space for consideration about how you want to live will serve you well.

Dec 12 – New Moon at 20o Sagittarius @ 3:32 pm PDT.
A New Moon is usually the time for new beginnings, but Mercury Retrograde occurs day after this New Moon, so you can set your intentions knowing that the time for actions in the external world will mostly wait until later – and things will have changed by Jan 2024 when Mercury turns Direct. So make your New Moon Intentions, plan, make connections and work behind the scenes doing what you can to prepare and adjust as necessary going forward.

Sagittarius rules the meaning of life, truth-telling, foreign travel, philosophy, belief systems, high ideals, social causes and the big picture. You are being called to contribute to something greater than you. Sagittarius has faith, with total commitment to their ideals and vision. It is that faith in the unseen that often brings success or a positive result due to the unwavering optimism and conviction in their belief.

The New Moon:
* trines the North Node of Destiny, leading us forward to our Greater Good;

* quincunxes Uranus, leading us to unexpected, innovative paths, purposes and liberation (hallelujah!), breaking old paradigms;

* squares Neptune, inviting dreams, imagination, compassion, unwinding old stuck patterns, but it can also undermine Sagittarian confidence by creating doubt, confusion or activating unconscious sabotage (unworthiness). Find compassionate or qualified support if you need it.

If you feel yourself sinking and becoming deflated, creating reasons for why things don’t/can’t work for you, you’re in a Neptune downslide. This is not the truth, it’s an old story – and a pattern that needs to go, to unwind and be released. How many times have you lived that story? How many things have you not done or tried, or tried and hit the wall because of that story? You have the opportunity now to transcend that story – and I suggest getting help to do it. Let 2024 be the year you put that story to bed for good!
Set your intention to release the story in 2024, and begin working on it during this Mercury Retrograde. What a worthy cause – You and your freedom!! Another Sagittarian theme! Wherever you feel stuck is like being held hostage – and liberation is possible if you are willing to do the work. I have done it. You can, too.

Here’s an intention: Show me my teachers. (Thank you, Jessica, who taught me that in 1993💕).

Let this Sagittarius New Moon work for you by visioning, journaling, connecting with other like-minded souls to expand your world. Practice gratitude, affirmative thinking, seeing the best in yourself and others. Enjoy!

Dec 13 Mercury Retrograde – until Jan 1, 2024. This will make the holiday season a little more complicated than usual, a little slower, with travel and mail issues possible (likely). I’m already having major computer issues that caught me by surprise. Prepare for travel, shopping, planning, not for fear or worry, rather tocreate extra space, knowing that the slowdown will serve your mind and nervous system to have a rest.

This weekend is the best time for shopping (keep receipts), and on Monday, it’s time for lightening your schedule, creating more space for relaxation, personal care and introspection.
There will be more time for future planning, along with clearing, along with holiday activities as the month unfolds. The rhythm will slow down considerably, so don’t push the river – it won’t work and you will stress yourself if you do.
Wishing you a blessed, uplifting week! Take time to appreciate yourself, your loved ones, your many blessings and your life.

“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.” ~ Anne LaMott

“Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.” ~ Chinese proverb

“An optimist expects his dreams to come true; a pessimist expects his nightmares to.” – Laurence J. Peter

As always, I am grateful for your presence on our journey together.

© 2023 Lisa E Zimmermann • All Rights Reserved • Soul Level Solutions

Lisa E Zimmerman is an Intuitive Astrologer, Transformational Coach and Creator of Awakened Life Retreats, helping seekers discover who they came here to be and how to create an evolving, empowered and meaningful life. It is a joyful, heartfelt journey.❤