Current Astro Events – June 7, 2024

Lisa E ZimmermanCosmic Consciousness Weekly

Written by Lisa E Zimmerman

Following a mentally stimulating New Moon in Gemini, abundantly fertile with big ideas and activity, we have now shifted into a sensitive Cancer Moon, that’s a definite mood changer. This is an indicator of the week ahead, as Venus, the Sun and Mercury will each square Saturn (the work) – and then sextile Chiron (a potential awakening). Plant those seeds for whatever you want to create going forward – the time is now!

June 8 – Venus square Saturn. Venus wants to socialize, connect and engage, but the Saturn square creates an obstacle that interferes with your plans, calling for patience and a positive attitude to stay high. You may want to have fun but you have to work, a $$ expense may arise, conflict in relationship can come up or a creative project hits a road block. You may judge yourself (don’t do it!). Don’t lose heart – make decisions, take responsibility for what is yours, do your work and trust that solutions will appear.

June 8/9 – Mars in Taurus. Mars leaves its home sign of speedy Aries to downshift into earthy Taurus, which is grounding and with all the Gemini planets flying around, the pace of grace will be helpful. Enjoy every deliberate step you take and know that Mars in Taurus does not give up. Slow, but steady…

June 9 – Sun square Saturn. The Sun square Saturn brings up the next reality check for you – what’s not working, what you need to handle, any decisions that will uplevel your life. Whatever the message is, get it and utilize it the best you can. Gemini is quick, with oodles of bright ideas and Saturn in Pisces is dreamy, highlighting realities that may feel confounding in the moment. Trust the process – Saturn is not only slowing you down, it’s bringing gifts from multi-dimensional Pisces to broaden your perspective experientially, conscious or not.

Mercury sextile North Node. Also on this day, Mercury in harmony with the North Node of Destiny allows for the opportunity to communicate with another, journal or process your thoughts internally so that you are able to discern a new perspective, insight, direction or path forward that is aligned with your Divine Self and serves the Greater Good. See what comes through for you.

June 11 – Mars square Pluto. This is a combustible aspect, especially with both planets Mars (warrior) and Pluto (power) in fixed signs (Taurus-Aquarius). Two fighters with resistance to change. Working together, these planets can move mountains, accomplish huge feats of strength and create major breakthroughs, so you can achieve arduous tasks today if you hold a high vibration. But I would be mindful of interactions with others, as the atmosphere will be highly flammable

(watch the external world). Send out love and be extra kind and compassionate, be careful on the road and with your words and actions.

June 11 – Venus sextile Chiron. You may have an awakening today or find a solution to an issue that arose on the Venus-Saturn square June 8. A new perspective, healing, ritual or download is possible if you are engaged, receptive and open to it. Love your Self, be compassionate to all and take good care of your heart.

June 12 – Mercury square Saturn. Mercury = details, info and Saturn = rules, regulations. This can activate challenging conversations and disagreements, worry, frustration or depression. You may experience issues with paperwork, forms, contracts, agreements, schedules, plans and delays. It’s one of those days when conversations or info doesn’t flow easily; decisions may feel heavy. Don’t agree to anything if you are not clear. Ask for more time and give your answer later, as things should smooth out in a few days.

June 13 – Sun sextile Chiron. Now the Sun meets with Chiron for an awakening or healing. You may have a new perspective, a discovery about your Self, a willingness to step forward and express your Self in a new way. You can either get help from a practitioner or be in process by yourself if you want to explore. Do a ceremony, a ritual, meditate, pray, journal, do dream work, be in nature and ask your Guides and Angels for assistance.

June 14 – Mercury cazimi the Sun. The Sun-Mercury together is a gift – and in Mercury’s sign is a double gift, with bright ideas, good fortune, profound insights, wisdom and epiphanies all possible, as well as social connections, meetings, networking, brilliant visions for your future. There is unlimited potential for what you can access when Mercury is in the heart of the Sun, accessing its light and its wisdom.

This is a week of refining the New Moon ideas and visions you’ve had, so don’t be discouraged in the days ahead when challenges arise. It’s all part of the process; do your work, make clear decisions – know what is for you and what isn’t – and keep going. By the end of the week, you’ll land in Mercury cazimi the Sun, a beautiful gift!

“Living slowly is discipling our minds.” ~ John McIntosh

“I am the right condition for right action to take place.” ~ Rev. Michael Beckwith

As always, I am grateful for your presence on our journey together.

© 2024 Lisa E Zimmermann • All Rights Reserved • Soul Level Solutions

Lisa E Zimmerman is an Intuitive Astrologer, Transformational Coach and Creator of Awakened Life Retreats, helping seekers discover who they came here to be and how to create an evolving, empowered and meaningful life. It is a joyful, heartfelt journey.❤