Current Astro Events – March 29, 2024

Lisa E ZimmermanCosmic Consciousness Weekly

Written by Lisa E Zimmerman

March 29 – Let me set the scene: the Sun is in fiery Aries, ready to take action and initiate something, but we still have four planets in sensitive, flowy Pisces, including Mars (Ruler of Aries) which supports a flow state – or you may feel drained or confused. We’re between Eclipses in a space of emotional intensity, with Mercury Retrograde approaching that will be active from April 1-25. The slowdown has already begun, as Mercury Stations to change direction on April 1, barely moving for the next week.

Back up your info and know that Mercury Rx can create snafus, miscommunications, lost items, missing info, misunderstandings, things break and it creates mischief in general having to do with communication, info, ground travel, schedules, contracts and such. This is 3D. Some people believe it and some don’t. If it happens to you, you may believe it :))

Mercury in Aries is impulsive, direct and it wants to speak up and do it NOW. Being restrained, contained or having to wait can be frustrating for this spontaneous energy that isn’t patient, so the more you practice flexibility, the better. Deciding in advance to create extra space and allow everyone grace will serve you, and those you encounter well. Also, think twice before speaking.

The Eclipses create frequencies that shift our consciousness, as well as our physical and collective reality, affecting us in ways that we haven’t experienced before. You are being asked to examine yourself and your current life from a higher perspective. We are not on the same playing field that you were on when you set it up and you may be ripe for a personal upgrade. It’s time to awaken, which will happen through fated events and your efforts should you be available to explore and engage.

What still needs to be released or eliminated as you allow your Higher Self, (dreams, intuition, spiritual guidance) to prompt you? Attitudes, ideas, co- dependent behaviors, limiting beliefs about yourself and the world, old programming is ripe for elimination if you are ready to evolve your Authority, your truth, and the life you are here to live.

Physical items, clutter, clothing, books, furniture and tokens that feel complete may be up for clearing from your space. Detaching from the physical can be the release of an identity that you have moved beyond. This exercise can be a spiritual exploration of your past, present and future, experiencing multiple timelines simultaneously.

Come off of autopilot, feel where you are and align with what is true for the Evolving You. Follow and listen to your heart. The more you’ve been trying to fit in, please others or have been following, the farther from your Authentic Self you are. If you need help to find your way or make a move, ask for it.

April 3 – Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces. Before Venus leaves Pisces (where it is exalted), it conjoins with Neptune, Ruler of Pisces, to offer a blissful dose of Divine Love, creativity, beauty, romance, peace and compassion. This serves your imagination, spiritual practices, heart-center and relationships. Venus- Neptune can idealize and delude you into seeing perfection in 3D, so be careful when making decisions, especially with new people.

April 4 – Sun conjunct the North Node of Destiny in Aries. Step forward and use your will, claim your heart’s desires, at the least, recognize what’s missing so you can realign. This is an exercise worth doing, especially to reawaken lost or disowned aspects of your Self from long ago that are waiting to be rediscovered. For help, see The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. Amazing book.

April 4-29 – Venus in Aries. This Venus is passionate, doesn’t wait and hope for things to arrive, it goes after what it wants and gets it. Independent, enthusiastic and self-centered, it focuses on new experiences that create excitement and gratification.
Remember, the gift of Mercury Retrograde is the space of the slowdown. Allow yourself impeccable care with extra rest. Take twice as much time to do half as many things. This is an opportunity to release old mental-emotional patterns, unproductive ways of processing and habitual thoughts that no longer serve you. What a gift!

Dare to discover the Evolving You, that is always changing even if you can’t see it.
Stay open, be curious and know that all is well (no matter how it looks). There’s so much more to come…

“Every time you don’t follow your inner guidance, you feel a loss of energy, loss of power and a sense of spiritual deadness.” ~ Shakti Gawain

“Not all those who wander are lost.” ~ JRR Tolkien

As always, I am grateful for your presence on our journey together.

© 2024 Lisa E Zimmermann • All Rights Reserved • Soul Level Solutions

Lisa E Zimmerman is an Intuitive Astrologer, Transformational Coach and Creator of Awakened Life Retreats, helping seekers discover who they came here to be and how to create an evolving, empowered and meaningful life. It is a joyful, heartfelt journey.❤