Current Astro events- October 13, 2023

Lisa E ZimmermanCosmic Consciousness Weekly

WSU astronomer: Don't miss Saturday's 'ring of fire' solar eclipse | WSU Insider | Washington State University

Written by: Lisa E Zimmerman

The escalating chaos and destruction in the world is being generated by a perfect storm of various elements, all active and combustible, with a profound cosmic agenda: to facilitate the ongoing upheaval, dismantling and clearing of old power structures and reference points that are no longer relevant, led by Pluto Stationing Direct as it completes its 250-year U.S. Return in Capricorn while squaring the Nodes of Fate in Aries/Libra (you vs. relationships). 

This is all taking place in the Eclipse wormhole (a short distance between different realities), as fated events can happen and emotions run high, which calls for special care to regulate your mind, emotions, body and nervous system. Spiritual practices and rituals are your best path forward during this time, using all that nurtures you, feeds your spirit, lifts you up and directs your attention with intention. 

Oct 14 – Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse @ 21º Libra 10:55am PDT. A Solar Eclipse is a dramatic New Moon (new beginning) with exponential power – and often a turning point, activating the unexpected to shift circumstances. It can alter your life in an instant – and if it does, go with it, whether you understand what’s happening or not. There are higher forces at work, guiding your path. Or you may feel like nothing is happening for you personally. Maybe or maybe not, but sometimes, you can only see the effects of an Eclipse in retrospect, so stay tuned. 

The Libra Solar Eclipse is on the South Node (the past), inviting needed course corrections in relationships and how you relate to others. The South Node refers to what is shaky or weak in you and
will reveal itself, whether it’s a pattern of behavior or connections that have reached their expiration date.  Look for and release any patterns of Self-abandonment to please others, to keep the peace or be “nice” no matter what, as a conscious inquiry. You have a right to your own choices, opinions and convictions and if you suppress them, you are not in truth or your power. Also, you can focus on developing your negotiating skills or create strategic alliances as a higher expression of Libra and a way to be in truth. There are practical avenues to pursue if you need support.

The North Node of Destiny is in Aries – warrior, maverick, pioneer, asking you to boldly come out of hiding and go for what you want now – or next. If you don’t know (and a lot of people don’t), let that be your mission – to discover what’s next for You. Speak your truth, explore and follow your intuition without permission, approval or agreement. Try things, see how you feel. Learn through experience what works for you and what doesn’t. Wherever you have denied yourself, this is the space for your research and development. It’s time for the focus to be on YOU. 

Eris (a dwarf planet) is sitting on the North Node. Eris is a disruptor, a female warrior and an Awakener, who is in the middle of the Eclipse, here to challenge the power dynamics and to stir up trouble. There are major war planets activated already (that’s why the world looks the way it does), and this is meant to bring up everything that has been suppressed, repressed, hidden, denied, where we’ve become blind, deaf, dumb and numb – programmed. It’s not pretty, but it’s necessary if we’re ever to wake up and truly evolve to create the world we dream of.

Guidance: find ways to love and honor your Self. If turbulent emotions come up during this intense time, seek appropriate care. Know that the antidote for anger is getting your needs met; determine what you need – then do your best to have your needs fulfilled. YOU are your job and YOU are important.  We will be feeling the Eclipse energy all week, along with various other aspects that will likely instigate reactions from misunderstandings and unclear info. This is not the week for major life decisions if you can help it, but rather, tune in for spiritual guidance or do creative work. Be slow and gentle to stabilize yourself. 

Use this Eclipse energy for rebalancing and to release anything that diminishes you, but remember to be spacious with yourself and others, as everyone is in this container of multi-layered edgy cosmic tension, aggression and confusion. 

With Eclipses we never really know what will happen, so take good care and focus on being a good human, from your heart and soul. Do unto others… and stay high enough that you can see the big

We are in a protracted ending and new beginning as Pluto leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius, going back and forth over the next thirteen months, so we have to develop patience as we birth the new world and are being prepared for our next level of evolution. 

“Right now the world is in calamity because it is preparing for a quantum leap into another vibrational dimension. Your role is to not be on the left or the right, to be the this or the that. Your
role is to step back far enough, to see the whole process, and to stand in the feeling tone of Oneness.” – Rev. Michael Beckwith

As always, I am grateful for your presence on our journey together. 

© 2023 Lisa E Zimmermann • All Rights Reserved •  Soul Level Solutions

Lisa E Zimmerman is an Intuitive Astrologer and Coach, and Creator of Awakened Life Retreats, helping seekers discover who they came here to be and how to create an evolving, empowered and meaningful life. It is a joyful, heartfelt journey. ❤️