Current Astro Events – October 27, 2023

Lisa E ZimmermanCosmic Consciousness Weekly

Written by Lisa E Zimmerman

The deconstruction in the 3D world continues at maximum intensity. Hang in there and keep the faith, as you volunteered to be here during this time to hold the Light. Fear doesn’t help anyone. Stay high and remember the truth of who you are and what is real.

Oct 28 – As you enter into the Lunar Eclipse, what must you anchor in – and let go of – in order to stabilize yourself to move forward? A Lunar Eclipse is generally about completions or endings, but this one feels like a rebalancing energy, with a
Jupiter bridge as a vision for your future, here to help you grow.

The Moon is in Taurus, sign of practical earth, values and stability, ruled by Venus: love, $$ and how you value your Self. Take this to heart, as you focus on what needs attention to support your security and well being. Get your life in
order, so you are prepared for your future. 

The Sun is in Scorpio, sign of transformation – deep introspection, CSI discoveries and releases that can free you from old programming and patterns. This is also the sign of joint finances, loans, taxes and $$ owed. Time to clean this up (or make a plan), if it hasn’t been handled already.

 The Moon conjoins Jupiter  opposing Mars, activating ambition, inviting you to stretch toward a dream or goal that inspires you – or it can tempt you to overindulge in a vice that feels good, but gets you nowhere and you pay a price later. Because the Moon is conjunct the North Node in Aries, you are called to step into a path that enhances your sense of Self and evolves your Inner Authority. You always have a choice. Do you want to awaken or go back to sleep? That’s your decision.

Jupiter opposes Mercury, giving you lots of bright ideas or you may say yes to too many people and things, making promises you regret later. Don’t get scattered. Jupiter opposite Mercury can open your mind to a bigger picture if you utilize it deliberately, but it can lead you astray if you let it run wild. Don’t squander this opportune energy for visioning from an expanded perspective.

Oct 29 – Mercury conjunct Mars opposing Jupiter. This is perfect for planning and connecting. What, when, where and with whom? Use it consciously to create a path forward and for productive conversations to move from point A to point B.
Clarity, focus and concise decisions. Yes, no, yes, no. You will be clear. If you’re not clear, go back. Get clear. Like a flow chart…

Oct 31 – Venus trine Uranus. Perfectly timed, this falls on Halloween, so have fun dressing up in costume if that is your thing and otherwise, do something different to liven up your life. Uranus want change and a little excitement or stimulation to
break up stagnant energies. This is a pleasant pattern disruptor as a free-spirit or creative way. Have fun with it!

Eclipses often create turning points – in the world – and sometimes personally. As always with an Eclipse, anything that is meant to be (fated events) will happen, so be as positive as possible, because we don’t know what the big picture is or
how it will unfold. New info can come to light and reveal things that change the picture for you. Stay tuned…

Focus on your vision for yourself – what to release, what to strengthen and where you’re ready for a stretch. Is there an opportunity in front of you? That’s a Jupiter thing, so pay attention and feel into what’s right for you. Go within for your
answer and trust your Inner Guidance. Others may have an opinion, but only you can feel when it’s a “yes” for you.

This is a powerful time for self-inquiry and contemplation, as we approach the Lunar Eclipse. Your job is to maintain a spiritual practice that helps you remember who you are and gives you a quiet space to commune with your Inner Guidance. Take good care and easy does it.

As always, I am grateful for your presence on our journey together.

“No tree has branches so foolish as to fight amongst themselves.” ~ Native American proverb

“May you take time to celebrate the quiet miracles that seek no attention. May you experience each day as a sacred gift woven around the heart of wonder.” ~ John O’Donohue 

© 2023 Lisa E Zimmermann • All Rights Reserved • Soul Level Solutions

Lisa E Zimmerman is an Intuitive Astrologer and Coach, and Creator of Awakened Life Retreats, helping seekers discover who they came here to be and how to create an evolving, empowered and meaningful life. It is a joyful, heartfelt journey. ❤