Some of the number portals: 5:6:12 5:6:3 11:12 11:3
Distilled number of the day: 5
One of the dizzying, twilight zone features of now, is how many views we have access to. We have studied, practiced the power of perspective, but now we’ve opened inter dimensional access to USE it.. in all new ways.
When we resist the landscape of change, when we decide that swells of old and discomfort are “problems”, then everything can look bad; the survey says things are so discouraging we’re not sure where to begin or where the problems end. When we tune straight into our Hearts knowing of what’s birthing through the center of change, everything starts to glow…. the elements vibrate quietly with potential, and we feel the Universe smile on our efforts.
There’s no bottom line lesson in how the different views work. We now can visit different options, beyond “shoulds”… free to experience what each one offers and cost. We are coming full circle with how we use our free will. This means untangling every way we misused it, and rediscovering it’s power. Like a child; what happens when we look through this door?, and now this one, and the next.
After our Ground work in April, we have the base strength to explore without losing ourselves. We can explore towards the simple place of purity, where we see what’s real and we know how to choose.