Cosmic Numbers

Ceres AndromedaCosmic Numbers


Today’s Numbers: 9:3:12 9:3:3 9:6 3:3
Distilled Number of the day: 6 Number of the Month: 12/3
As I described in the monthly writing for September, there’s background 3:3 Stargates every day this month, in our ‘9’ month of completion. And in 3 months we enter December in which every day is an upfront 3:3 Stargate. The Cosmic design is undeniable.
Today there’s two different types of 3:3 Stargates, in addition to the daily background 3:3. That’s 3, 3:3 Stargates today, of various form. Here, whatever we need for next step progress with our Inner Trinity, is there… all around in sacred geometric portals. And 3 days into September, we start to get a sense of the month, at least the first phase of this 9/12 month.
The paradox of Spiritual teachings is becoming what we live. As we go deeper and become more intimate with personal and collective history/timelines, we extend the other way on the axis, more depth means more height. At the higher end, Divine neutrality, Universal Love is more available as we reconfigure our depths. This detached higher Love isn’t impersonal, it’s not cold. It includes the personal so completely that with nothing left out, with no fragmentation, there is no separation. Everything personal is brought into all-encompassing Higher Love.

September 2019

I wish I could write the September post on a scroll. That would be more fitting for the ancient culmination and timeless application of what we do this month.
In this last quarter of the year, we will be more aware of the month in context of the 12/3 year. And it’s an especially potent month to remember the overall number of the month ’12’ as much as the ‘9’.
The overall ’12’ of the month means that every day this month has the background pulse of a soft 3:3 Stargate. While in December, every day will be a forward 3:3 Stargate, we can consider these softer 3:3’s welcome and well-timed in the progression of what we do this year.
These background 3:3 Stargate’s help us step again and more out of our expired self and into our emerging Self that lives the frequency of New Earth. As the ‘9’ of September brings completion, we have a glorious 30 days of inner Trinity completion in soft 3:3 Stargates, before entering the final 3 months of the year. These are some powerfully supportive times for our Ascension.
This will not be a month for retaining old order, because that’s not congruent with breaking through inner limits and outer roles that confine. And of course the Inner Trinity ‘3’ is also the numeric for Divine Creation in the physical realm. Wherever we’re at, there’s more to learn about what this means; Inner Trinity translating to Divine Creation. There’s more to learn about it because more is revealing as the planetary energies change. As Cosmic forces organize with Earth elementals in more focused ways, making every day/phase/event more of what we need it to be in a multi-faceted AND Unified way.
Our minds have learned to work by habit, trial and error. It’s what we were taught (most of us) and what seemed to work for a while. The old mind may circle this month trying to explain why what used to work doesn’t now, and how new things never tested and approved can be trusted.
Reflexive inclusion of Heart is our sure response.
We will want to allow our mental circuits to convert from survival to Creation, and the mind cannot do it without full partnership with Heart. This month brings natural opportunity for the mind to find new habits that feel better, that work better. For the mind to Re-Member that the only reason for thought at all, is to give Love form (at that level)… through imagination, communication, etc.
Speaking of imagining, our imaginal Creation skills; the skills in which we tune into our truest desires and articulate, expand them through imagination, are getting a boost. This process is not ‘day dreaming’ (though it is). It is not opting out of “reality” but engaging the levels at which we Create our reality, proactively. This is dedicated Play, and it also help us ‘get’ any other needed steps to manifest what we’ve already Created at other levels, through imagining.
A final note for September, which will bring continued change as needed, above all we will want to have Faith in ourSelves, Faith in others, that they are doing what they need to, and Faith in the Christ/Sophia Light that Unifies us more strongly by the day. We have never been in any place like this in our lifetimes. I can’t wait to see what we do.

Cosmic Numerology for the year 2019

This is a task, writing for a year which is New beyond what we’ve known. Our
language, by design, works with previously established ideas. 2019, by design, takes
us beyond what’s been established. Hence our theme for the year, discovering and
Creating beyond the limits we’ve known.
Its a 12/3 year and we have 12 months to explore New Creation potentials,
each month, in a different way. We can see/feel progressions as more circular than
linear now. Linear applies less and less all the “time”. As we spiral up to the ’12’ level
of Spiritual culmination, we work at the ‘3’ level of Earth Creation. And the levels
inform each other.
Here, ’12’ infuses ‘3’ with Spiritual Maturity, with the High view of what
Creation is for, how it actually works and serves. This refines the trajectory of
Human Creation. We’re accessing the vision to bring Human Creation back into
alignment with Source Love.
This year infuses our Human/Soul desires with the pure Divine vision. Where
we have been short sighted or one sided in Creating, we balance and expand. Last
year’s dual realm mastery work cleared space in our Human/Earth depths, brought
back essential aspects of Soul, making us stable conduits for New Earth Light. To be
steady through change going forward.
In 2019 we realize the power of our choice in new ways…. in the everyday. It
is for us to choose, like never before, what reality we invest in. The one we invest in
is the one that’s (more) real. We’ve been working with this life principal for a while…
now we demonstrate it with new power. We’re no longer tasked with straddling lower
and higher. This year we find bright polished Love that emboldens us to new roles.
No longer interested in propping up what’s failed… we let it time out. We see with
fresh eyes where our energy investments do or don’t Light up the New. Through the
year, we draw on all that we mastered in 2018, honing our Creator abilities in every
way… like the New frontier we came to be.
The “limits” in human/physical life that we assume will be there, loosen their
grip through the year. Energy gives rise to matter…. our energy. This year we see in
real time how our thoughts, feelings, desires, direct our reality of choice. The
boundary between within and without dissolves.
Last year we moved through our depth shadow lands to ground our authority.
This year we claim full ownership of all that we are, want, choose…to see it come
alive around us, in real time.
As this new level Creating becomes real to our Human, it stirs a deep
knowing/remembrance… that it’s not that wild or strange. It’s the experience of true    
Self and the Natural order of the Universe. We’re just now coming back. 
I want to share something about
the geometry I’m including, in line with
what we’re doing this year.
Aesthetically, I’m preferring digital
sacred geometry. And doing it by hand
is tedious. Because it needs to be so
precise, imperfections are par. And
tuning into the New year I wanted to
use physical materials, have a slower
Creative process. Leave space for it to  be imperfect. What I found was surprise liberation in imperfection… a simple
transcendence. Allowing what I don’t like lights up and dissolves remaining judgment.
This is one of our features for 2019. The roots of separation based reality, ie fear and
judgment, have been release. Our old human patterning won’t vanish in a blink, but
what held it in place is gone…. In that sense, we’re complete. This geometry image
isn’t up to the standard of what I set out to do, and I share it in homage to all that
we’ve liberated from.
On a more intentional note, for 2019, the triangle represents the ‘3’ and our
inner trinity, from which we practice Creating this year. The three triangles express
the ‘9’ of the year. each triangle is a 3, and there are 3 of them (3×3=9). The circle is
the Unified ‘1’… our more complete center connecting us to the whole of Creation.
The column through the middle is our vertical column connecting us from Cosmos to
deep Earth… more substantial than ever. The column separates the ‘2’ halves of the
image. As the overall goal is bringing Source Light through to manifest in the dual
Throughout this year, may we move with the fluid knowing that all is One. May
we overflow with the Love of our inner trinity…. and proceed into New Creation as
pillars of Love.

you can see more of Ceres’ work at and you can contact her here: