Cosmic Numbers

Marie DesrochesCosmic Numbers







We are blessed with the 9 energy today.  The energy of the 9 has shifted and expanded in 5D.  In 3D/4D the 9 represented endings, letting go, and clearing but in 5D the 9 energy is experienced in a more expanded way.  It represents re-inventing oneself or one’s creations.   It is a subtle difference and a more expanded experience.  Instead of having to say “good bye” to something, we say “good bye” to the limitations of that experience and call forth a more expanded and NEW manifestation of an experience or creation if we choose to continue to relate with it, but in a more expanded way.  A re-invention to create something NEW.  Labradorite crystal resonates and vibrates with the 9 energy if you wish to use this crystal in your inner work.



January Numerology

January is a 1 month – a month focused on our knowing our self in greater clarity.  The energies this month focus on visions, insights, and revelations that SHOW us more of who we are – they show us our truth AND they show us also what is not true for us – they show us what we have lived or believed about life or about ourselves that need to be re-examined to determine whether it is our truth or just an attitude we have absorbed from our culture or family.   Some of our basic patterns are so subtle and have been embraced by us from our earliest days  that often we are not even aware they are operating within our consciousness until we encounter an experience that triggers an irritation or a response that we realize is in separation.  That is our clue to dig deep into the experience and uncover the underlying false belief or pattern that we, in our now evolved consciousness, no longer agree with and we have the opportunity to immediately replace the limiting belief with our new truth which is an empowered truth.  So much of this month is about this type of digging deeply within, not so much from a perspective of clearing but more from a place of “oh wow, I didn’t realize that unconsciousness pattern was operating within me – thank you life for showing me this unconsciousness pattern.  I now choose to transmute it into my truth.”  So much about this month is about us realizing where we have unconscious limited beliefs about ourselves and our lives and then transmuting these limiting patterns into empowered truths.  The goal of January is to assist us in stepping fully into our empowered self, which is so unique and has such incredible value, and to live from our truth no matter what else is going on around us.  We need this type of self-empowerment this year to be able to work with, engage with, live with, utilize, and embrace all the very powerful and intense energies that are being gifted to us this year of 2018.

Cosmic Numerology for the year 2018

Happy New Year !!!  Today we enter a new vibration for 2018 – the energy of the 11/2 !!!!  There is much to discuss about this pivotal and most life changing year we are entering into today.  We have all been preparing so deeply for this year – especially since the eclipses of August all through the remainder of 2017.  Our inner work has been relentless, tiring, powerful, and so important in order for us to fully receive from and engage with this new year of 2018.  This is not only a 2 year, but it is also a master number 11 year and we are now ready for all this year is gifting us with.  I will discuss the qualities of both the 2 energy and the 11 energy because this year carries the vibration of both the 2 and the 11 energy.

2 is a feminine energy and therefore our inner and our external feminine nature will continue to develop and express in empowered ways all year long.    2017 was a masculine energy year and last year we witnessed the dismantling of the “separated” masculine energy AND the rise of the higher frequency and balanced and empowered masculine energy.   Just one example of the empowered balanced masculine energy was how there was immediate firing of high ranking men in the entertainment, government, and health fields after the “silence breakers” spoke – this immediate action of firing these seemingly powerful men was indeed the empowered Divine Masculine principle emerging.  This year, 2018, we are moving toward maintaining a perfectly balanced inner and outer masculine/feminine partnership and this began in earnest last year and will continue fully this year.  To create our new world we must have a perfectly balanced masculine/feminine partnership.  They are both equal and vital within ourselves in order to create the new we are all building together.

We have spoken about the feminine qualities in great length so I will just summarize them here.  They are: flexibility, allowance, compassion, mediation, partnership, nurturing, holding, birthing, all inclusiveness, openness, receptivity, courage, powerful intuition, knowingness, and unconditional love.  This year we will have the opportunities to engage with, strengthen, and build these qualities within ourselves.  We will have the opportunity to develop, demonstrate, and use these powerful gifts in an empowered way.  In 2017, we transmuted the separated and unempowered aspects of our masculine side by developing our strength, our uniqueness, our individuality, our willingness and courage to express from our truth (the silence breakers demonstrated powerful masculine qualities to come forward and honor their feminine side).  This year, 2018, we have the opportunity to marry these now balanced and ready parts of self – our inner empowered feminine with our inner empowered masculine.  This alchemical process will be sacred, unique, and delicate for each one of us.  These two aspects of self, in a balanced and powerful partnership are now ready to create the new earth that will be ready to be birthed in 2019 and 2020.  So this year will also be an incubation year – a year pregnant with the potential that will be birthed in 2019 and 2020.

In addition to that which I have discussed above – 2018 is a master number year of 11.  Every “2” year is not a master number year so it’s not like we get this master number year every 9 years.  This master number year of 2018 comes to us as a powerful powerful opportunity to use the accelerated energies, codes, activations that are being gifted to us this year to transmute, to release, and to align ALL that is preventing us from living 100% of every now moment fully in our True Unlimited Self.  We are not working toward enlightenment, it is here, now, and ready for us to realize.  We have been “working toward” our enlightenment for so many lifetimes, and it is a subtle pattern within in many of us and this subtle pattern has to go.  We are there now !!!  Own it!!! Claim it !!! Remember the month of November 2017 ???  That was a master number 11 month.  2018 will carry a similar intensity wherever we have the slightest pattern of separation.  So anything having to do with our relationship with self, with our relationship with our body, with our relationship with others, with our relationship with our earth, our relationship with the planets, etc. that needs transmutation or attention or balancing or healing or acknowledgement will be in our faces to attend to in 2018.

We cannot move into the birthing of our new world if we carry within us any unresolved relationship issues so this year any and all relationship issues will come up for our loving healing embrace through our revelations, through our inspiration, through clarity, with insight into solutions, with understandings, and with powerful alchemical shifting – this will be our focus during 2018.  The master energies of the 11 bring forth a heightened focus so that we can FEEL the illusion and FEEL the separation sufficiently within us and with enough frustration to push us into calling forth a greater truth that will replace or dissolve the illusion.  These intense experiences are coming forth for each of us because there is a Truth missing that we each need to reveal to ourselves and once we SEE the Truth, ALL illusion falls away.  That is the point and the purpose of the intense energies of this master number 11.  It will meet each of us were we are – it will bring up for each of us anything that is required by the God within each of us in order for us to truly and freely live, know, and BE the unlimited God that we each are.  And once we find the missing truth in each situation, then we are done with it forever and we move into the all powerful, unlimited, unconditional LOVE that is our true identity.  Happy New Year!!!

For more information about Marie’s work, or to set up a session, please visit her website: Or call (720) 340-4670