Archived Channel from 2019

Jan FinleyJan Finley's Channel Leave a Comment


Written by Jan Finley 

I speak to you from the Hierarchy bringing the Light of the One to you.   You have now entered the portal of Truth and life as you have known will be transformed.  Your past has become only a tool for shaping your tomorrows, as it was always intended to be.  The human designation of “Past” as a time/place to dwell or control the moment of Now must be abandoned.  You are being showered with new tools and information that will guide you through the coming days, as you reckon the passing of time.  The Light of the Christed Self is of immense importance at this time/space.   Your heart must open to receive it and allow it to make a home within you.  Do not allow yourself to be influenced by the petty, mundane and distracting. His charade continues to serve the purpose for which it was designed, as do the charades of many other beings.  

These times of chaos must be allowed to transpire with as little attachment as possible.  Think of the chaos as temper tantrums of a toddler, extreme in the moment but temporary in the larger view.  Their purpose is to lower your heart vibration and anchor you to the mundane world.  Your purpose is to keep your vibration as high as possible to allow the union with and embodiment of Higher Self to take place. Each of you are an integral part of the Birthing process that is taking place at this moment of time/space.  It has always been thus. The pain being experienced by what you term the “toxic masculinity” is merely misapplied energy fueled by the illusion that any being can be more powerful than another.  This simply is not possible. It is an artifact of polarized thinking which has been the bedrock of this “age” on Earth.  We do not term them “ages” but more as stages of development.  We have given you codes throughout your time/space but many have become trivialized to dispel their power. Love IS always the answer. Love is the Light of the One made manifest and you have only begun to explore the immensity of what that means.  Your time/space within must be given over to the exploration of this, rather than being drawn into the illusions being played out before you. There is no work or special technique involved, merely your willingness to allow your heart and inner world to expand beyond imagining.  Ask for our assistance and it will be given. Open your Heart/Mind and breathe it in. 

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