Archived Channel of Sedna

Jan FinleyJan Finley's Channel Leave a Comment







Written by Jan Finley 

Sedna triggered this one:
She is more than the holder of all knowledge. I get the sense that she is the Mother of all Mothers, time before reckoning. Hers is a less hands on mothering; it is instead a casting of seeds, maybe even the seed that carries Light. Both as she holds knowledge, she also sends knowledge personified out into the dimensions. Hers is a very quiet and profound undertaking for who knows which seed might take root?

There is a Birth within the Birth, from each of us on earth all the way through the multiple layers of consciousness and awareness. Feel within your own body the contractions taking place, acknowledging each piece of resistance and fear. Own them, love them, for they are delivering you to the New World. Embrace yourself fully, with all your might and intention. Extend a hand to those who are struggling, because they must give birth as well. Each Birth signals another, a glorious chain reaction reaction taking place through the dimensions, so know that it is essential that each one who can must participate. Together is the Way Through.

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