Channel for July 1, 2024

Jan FinleyJan Finley's Channel Leave a Comment

Written by Jan Finley

He dances, glee in every step, while the grass beneath his feet dies. His foolishness has gone to his head and his sycophants applaud his every step. Though appearing larger than life, in truth he is less than the smallest and far more deadly. His desire for power motivates his every thought, word and deed, and yet, with every action, every step, he is losing vitality and life force. Many watch with fear in their hearts but there is no need for fear. His steps begin to stumble, his arrogance leads him astray, his brain diminishes and soon he will falter. Attempts to prop him up will only fail. The spotlight that brought him into view will now reveal all he tried so hard to hide. Discarded like a broken toy, he will end alone, reviled.

She dances, delight in her every step. Difficult to traverse the undergrowth but the dance has become everything. She is adored, her light growing with every smile, every hand reaching out. She brings welcome news and offers hope. Do not be misled by her delight and judge her as weak. She is a warrior to her bones, her sword of justice firm and strong in her hand. She sees the way forward clearly, and knows how to get there. She is underestimated no longer.

He grieves for the vigor he once knew, not so long ago. His dance has slowed but the steps are well remembered, well known. His purpose is clear and he accepts its responsibility. His kind heart balances a spine of steel. He is ready to take the stage, knowing the importance of his role, also knowing the play nears the ending. A new beginning calls for others to lead the way but one last effort, on last triumph remains his to carry. He is supported by those who guide and teach him, and they will see him through to the end. He will be remembered with deep gratitude and honor.

The play has been written but the scenes are still fluid, offering choice and surprises. The audience is enthralled, Kleenex clutched tightly in hands, fear pounding in hearts. The last scene comes ever closer but you all know it is just another beginning, another swing of the pendulum, another turn around the wheel. You forget that you create the play, and have your own characters to perform.

Breathe deeply and relax. Squeeze the hand of the person next to you, behind you, across from you. In your heart of hearts, you all know how this play will end (begin) so you may as well rejoice.

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