THE MYSTIC’S Message – Week of 7/11/16

Ray RolandoJan Finley's Channel

channeloftheweekALL IS WELL… OF COURAGE –

Hello Wayshowers. Today we deliver a message about “allowing” to you all. It starts with, “All IS well.” Truly it is. Despite what it all may look like on the outside, please remember not to give into the lower self that wants to feed the worry and concern with worry and concern. Instead, do your best to breathe and see all as perfect. After all, it is indeed all perfect.

We understand that to allow when the world “appears” to be burning in front of you, requires real courage. We are sending much of that to you now, and have been for some time. Perhaps what you need to remember most right now, however, is that true courage is derived from an internal flow of it from your built-in well of consciousness.

After all, how is it that you think you have gotten this far? Do you really believe it is because another being, or group of beings – human or other – have actually physically carried you here? No. It is because you have gotten up each and every day and fought the good fight to the best of your ability with the tools you have been graced with. Today, we grace you with the knowledge of yet another powerful tool – your own ability to remember.

Deep within your DNA is buried the WHOLE truth, the highest truth, the only truth… that you are God-beings, each and every one of you. Yes, you have forgotten – that is part of the circle of conscious remembering, which inherently requires trust and faith. In that trust and faith, however, you have practiced some internal system of strength that has you reach for those very tools when you begin to wane. On some very real levels, that is your higher self kicking into gear to bring you back to knowing when you want to give up.

To that end, we commend you for making it this far. The journey has not been easy. But we ask, “Where is the fun in easy?” Honestly, where is it? Your trials and tribulations, and allowing yourself to have them, is where human consciousness exceeds all other forms of existence. It is in your humanness that you find the strength of humility. This humility leads to compassion, and compassion leads to conscious re-awakening.

Yes, being human LEADS to enlightenment! You cannot have it any other way. That is why you chose this, that is why it feels hard sometimes, and that is why you want to forget sometimes, because you chose this. But you did so knowing where it leads you. In that, we ask that you find the compassion required now to forgive YOU.

If you promise to this now, we promise to get behind that promise and lead you to the Promised Land. You’ve worked so hard to get there, and even here, so remember, remember, remember that ALL IS WELL because it flows from within you. There you will find truth once more. There you have self-compassion. There you have the REAL well of courage.

With so much love in our hearts for you,


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