February 2024 Monthly Aspects

Shelly LealMonthly Aspects

February 2024 Monthly Aspects

This is another busy month, with 7 planets changing signs, all the personal planets together in Aquarius, at least briefly, and two 5D planets and one asteroid stationing direct. With Uranus’ direct station at the end of January, all the solar system planets are now direct; the effect of that is to pulse the energies forward with no brakes (or breaks), quickening an already fast pace of experience. In addition, Black Moon Lilith dances back and forth with Orcus and Juno in Virgo, as she began at the end of January, uncovering revelations, beliefs and connections to, and with, immortality. We are slowly awakening to our connection to the cosmos and how vast we all really are.

In Cosmic Consciousness, Aquarius is the part of our energy field where we learn to take down our defenses to letting others see us as we truly are. We learn to love our Selves just as we are, and not project some persona for protection. It’s where we grow into our future to be all we are capable of. When we accept and love our Selves, totally and without reservation, we can shine our Light and direct that love for the benefit of others. Aquarius, Uranus’ sign, is the embodiment of change; we feel it coming, and that’s why we’re here.

Last month the Sun and Pluto conjoined in Capricorn and entered Aquarius together, which has never happened before and has far-reaching reverberations. This month, Mercury (2/5), Mars (2/13) and Venus (2/16) enter Aquarius, and each planet communes with Pluto at 0°–Mercury on 2/5, Mars on 2/14, and Venus on 2/17. At that point, all the personal planets, except the Moon, are in the sign of Self Love. This is the process of upgrading and transmuting our thinking and communication systems, actions, and values. Having the Sun begin this process brings consciousness to it all. We become aware of what needs to change within us and how we might effect that change; if something needs to go and we ignore it, Pluto’s energies will take it from us. For example, perhaps we ignore the body’s call for rest and become ill. Or we might need to reconsider how our actions affect others and make a concerted effort to change that behavior or risk breaking the relationship.  These new cycles with Pluto form the foundations of our personal transformations of mind, heart and physical power over the next two decades. We are becoming a new version of our Selves!

Chariklo is also in Aquarius, at 13°, where she will remain until 2027. Chariklo provides a wise, stabilizing and nurturing influence, keeping things steady and grounded. The Sun-Chariklo new cycle on the 2:2 stargate signifies a desire to bring balance, cooperation and harmony within duality to our consciousness. As each planet enters Aquarius and is greeted by Pluto, Chariklo’s warm embrace is welcomed. The Mercury-Chariklo new cycle occurs on 2/13, bringing much needed stability and calmness to our mental processes, and hopefully, our communication with each other. Venus and Chariklo conjoin 2/28 and Mars follows on 3/3 (another stargate).

The New Moon in Aquarius occurs 2/9, with Chariklo nearby. It makes a stepping stone with Uranus, the dispositor of this lunation, and a great eliminator (inconjunct) with Juno, suggesting that it’s possible to awaken to our connectedness with each other if we put forth the effort. Even those of low vibration and violent acts have Spirit within, something we need to remember. Uranus and Juno are part of a Grand Manifestation (Trine) with Venus. By keeping our hearts open we can feel the inner connections among us, and gain surprising insights. As more folks awaken, everyone’s consciousness changes.

The Sun enters Pisces, the sign of spiritual mastery, on 2/18, just hours before the Chiron-North Node (Soul Star Chakra) new cycle (2/19). For the next few weeks our consciousness becomes more focused on the unlimited possibilities available, which can be ours if we have faith, and on the vastness of our Spirit, which can be hard for many to grasp. Chiron signifies healing and wholing the Self to attain mastery, and this is just what we need to move forward in our evolution. The energies continue with the Full Moon in Virgo, occurring 2/24. Chiron, still conjoined with the Soul Star, is Virgo’s dispositor, making him a big player in this lunation. The Sun is surrounded by Mercury and Saturn, while the Black Moon Lilith is near the Moon. Also in Virgo is the Orcus -Juno conjunction, their 2nd, strengthening our understanding of our connection to each other and to the part of each of us that is eternal.  In fact, these conjunctions are elements of the dance between the Black Moon, Orcus and Juno that continues for a good chunk of the year. More and more, people are beginning to discover the energetic connections between themselves and the cosmos.

The Sun makes a resourceful aspect to the Ceres-Ixion new cycle (2/23), lighting up and nurturing our soul purpose. The energies of the Sun, Mercury and Saturn are perfected with their triple new cycle 2/28, resourcing Quaoar. It’s time to focus on dreaming big, putting some intention into it, and taking small steps towards that dream.  What do we want to create? What do we want to become? This year it can begin.

Mercury enters Pisces 2/23, and quickly catches up to the Sun and Saturn for that triple conjunction. Meanwhile, Mars runs ahead of Venus for most of the month, but on 2/22 they conjoin in a new cycle of heartfelt action, and caring for the body. In addition, both Pallas and Ceres change signs; Pallas enters Sagittarius 2/6 and Ceres enters Capricorn 2/7. With wisdom, something new can be brought into the systems that are part of our experience.

All the solar system planets are in full forward motion, and three more planets join them. Astraea stations direct 2/7 in Gemini, reentering Cancer 2/20. On 2/8 Vesta stations direct, and our passion picks up. Sedna also goes direct 2/11, at the end of Taurus; she is such a slow mover that it will take until the end of April to reenter Gemini, giving us two more months to wrap up what we’ve learned about intuition and our connection to nature. In a sense, Sedna represents the transcendence we achieve when we let go of the old. As our awareness increases, we elevate our frequencies, becoming the multidimensional beings we truly are. Now we are preparing to enter a new epoch of connecting the Divine Feminine with the Higher Mind. Stay tuned.


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