July 2023 Monthly Aspects

Shelly LealMonthly Aspects

July 2023

We are now in the 2nd half of the year. The intensity of spring/fall has lessened, and we are into the summer/winter of rebirth, with planets moving into Leo and Virgo. There are still plenty of shifts, as 5 planets change direction, including Venus, whose last retrograde occurred at the end of 2021. In addition, 5 planets change signs, Mercury twice, and the Moon’s nodes shift as well for the next 18 months.


The action begins on the very first day, when the Sun and Mercury, consciousness and mind, come together for a superior conjunction in Cancer. Astraea enters Gemini and immediately conjoins with Sedna. It should be mentioned that Alcyone, one of the stars of the Pleiades, is also conjoined with Sedna. There are some very high dimensional energies with this triple conjunction and it is decidedly feminine. Astraea brings it down to us somewhat.


The Full Moon in Capricorn occurs on 7/3. It’s a Super Moon, meaning it’s close to Earth. It’s a high frequency event as the Sun is flanked by Juno and the Mercury-Sirius new cycle; while the Moon cavorts with Quaoar and Ixion. The Moon has domain over the Sun, and Saturn disposes the Moon. Saturn and Quaoar resource each other in a sextile, and make great eliminators (inconjunct) in a Finger of God pointing at Varuna and the Black Moon. Our capacity for perceiving new thought gains authenticity and structure when we keep mind and emotions open and allow in the downloads available to us now. A larger perspective is waiting to be unveiled, but we must choose to see it. There is no way to make it happen, we have to commit to being open and letting it in.  Our consciousness gets a dose of multidimensionality with the Sun-Sirius new cycle on 7/6. On the same day the Mars-Neptune great eliminator suggests it’s time to act on our dreams, even a little bit, or pay attention to our body’s needs. All these downloads will require grounding self-care.


July 17 is an important day: not only is that the New Moon in Cancer, but it’s also the day the Moon’s nodes change signs for the next 18 months, shifting into the Aries/Libra axis. Aries is the spark of creation from the higher mind; Libra is the realization that we are not separate. Aries is Self-awareness from within; Libra is Self-awareness from what others show us. This lunation is always an emotional one, and it bridges Pluto, manifests with (trines) Neptune, squares Eris and resources (sextiles) Uranus. When we feel our emotions, they tell us about ourselves and our needs. They can surprise us, illuminate us, and point to the next steps to take. On this day the Juno-Sirius new cycle underscores our interconnectedness. And the 7/18 Ceres-MakeMake new cycle indicates that whatever arises from this New Moon is according to divine plan.


The Sun enters Leo, his home sign, on 7/22, the same day as Venus’ retrograde station. He finishes the month with a Varuna new cycle 7/30, following the conjunctions by Venus and Mercury. A higher perspective brings more awareness.


All month Venus has been within 3° of Mars in Leo. But instead of conjoining, Venus slows down, and Mars enters Virgo with Pallas before they conjunct with Regulus, all on 7/10. Meanwhile, the Black Moon plays with Venus as she stations retrograde 7/22. Venus has a very particular retrograde pattern, going retrograde in only 5 signs over the course of 8 years: Gemini, Capricorn/early Aquarius, Leo/early Virgo, Aries, and late Libra/Scorpio. This year she moves backwards entirely in Leo. On 7/27, Venus conjoins the Black Star and Mercury for a triple conjunction of mind/heart balance that is a gift in the sign of inner gratitude. Right now, Venus is an evening star, running ahead of the Sun, but when she meets him in August, she will disappear for a while and reemerge as a morning star. This retrograde signifies the life force available to the open heart. Living with gratitude promotes joy, which raises our frequencies. This has a cumulative effect on everyone around us, and ultimately, the world. It is very much needed now.


As always, Mercury is very active. Following his conjunction with the Sun on 7/1, the Great Messenger, out of bounds since June, reenters the ecliptic 7/6, ready for his new cycle with Sirius and the ensuing downloads. He enters Leo 7/11, and communes with Varuna 7/14. As he continues through Leo, we are reminded to maintain thoughts of gratitude for what we have. Black Moon Lilith interacts with Mercury repeatedly, as well as the Sun and Venus, helping by uncovering things to be grateful for. Following the Mercury-Venus-Black Moon conjunction on 7/27, Mercury enters Virgo 7/28 and our mental operating systems shift towards alignment with our emotional, physical and spiritual bodies.


Venus is not the only planet stationing this month. On 7/10 Salacia stations retrograde followed by Haumea’s station direct 7/13. Time to apply creativity to fresh ideas. Eris begins her annual retrograde 7/21, and Chiron begins his 7/23. These backwards cycles give us a chance to go within to recalibrate and reassess how to access joy and wholeness, as well as what makes us uncomfortable, and what to do about it.


It should be noted that right after the nodes shift into Aries and Libra, on 7/17, retrograde Pluto in Capricorn forms stepping stones with both, resulting in an intersection, all in power signs. Haumea joins the karmic Earth Star Chakra; time to bring un-or underutilized talents and gifts to the forefront. New creations are possible. An intersection is a revelation of new options that take the polarity—in this case, the nodes—to another level. With Pluto providing the 3rd road, it gives rise to the question: Where do we place our power? Do we focus on the past, and recycle old wounds and power-games, or do we focus on the future, and apply our power towards creating the world we want to live in? Do we apply our own power to Self-realize, or do we give it away? How can we creatively heal our past? Pluto makes this intersection 3 times, on 7/23, 7/25 and 7/28, before the Soul and Earth Star Chakras move out of range. This is one of the lessons Pluto wants us to learn before we are ready to experience him in Aquarius.