Monthly Overview for October, 2022

Shelly LealMonthly Aspects








The month of October generally shifts the energies towards that of the coming year, as September is the month of completion. This is so true for this October, as fully 7 planets turn direct and an important one—Mars—turns retrograde. Except for Mars, this is in keeping with the planetary cycles of moving forward into the new year.


Let’s begin with Mercury, who goes direct on 10/2, in a bridge (opposition) to Neptune. It’s time to think about our dreams for the future, although they may not be clear yet. Vesta resumes direct motion on 10/5 near Saturn, raising our dedication to Self-care, so necessary these days. On 10/8 our old friend Pluto stations direct, manifesting (in a trine) with Mercury, and our mental capacity is ready for an upgrade.  The centaur planet Chariklo also goes direct, in a loose opposing Lightbridge with Varuna, on 10/14, and her gentle stabilizing and protective influence helps to ground the wide-angle perspective that is available at this time.


October 23 brings not one, but two planets changing direction, as Saturn and Juno both station direct within hours of each other. We are ready to stand in our authority and take responsibility for ourselves, knowing that we are related to everything in and around us. When we act maturely and for the benefit of others we connect with our own limitlessness. Finally, Astraea resumes direct motion 10/31. The fullness of divine feminine spirit now begins to express itself in the world as fairness, balance and justice.  Now all the planets in Aquarius, and half the planets in Pisces, are direct, and their energies are manifesting externally. The pace picks up.


Mars goes out of bounds, beyond the ecliptic on 10/22, taking our physicality into uncharted territory. We are learning to connect with our souls and higher Self while still in the body, and our actions can produce unexpected results (keep in mind we are still in a wormhole too). This period, which goes beyond our consciousness, lasts 5 ½ months, and includes Mars’ entire retrograde cycle. During this time, Mars travels between Gemini and Cancer, indicating that the mind and emotions have a significant effect on the body. If we’re aware of what we think and feel, we will come to understand ourselves so much better, and our actions will produce positive results. Mars has the most irregular retrograde cycle of all the planets; a retrograde can last from 58-81 days. On 10/30 Mars begins moving backwards, and this period lasts 75 days, until 1/12/23. Since it takes place entirely in Gemini, it behooves us to pay attention to our bodies and give it the care it needs. We are becoming crystalline beings, and must honor the requirements of the body as it transforms.


The 10/9 Full Moon in Aries features Venus, MakeMake and Arcturus attending the Sun, and Chiron and Eris surrounding the Moon. Eris and Arcturus are in an exact bridge; disruptive scientific breakthroughs are possible. The Venus-Chiron bridge signifies a healing of emotions, allowing for different perspectives. The Saturn-Uranus stepping stone (square) connects with the Sun and Moon; reclaiming our authority can yield positive choices that deliver us to new realizations. Pluto is stationing to go direct as well, making him even more powerful. Things are shifting to a higher level.


Now direct, Mercury reenters Libra 10/10, where MakeMake awaits. MakeMake represents the higher universal Laws, such as the law of karma, the Law of Attraction, the physical laws of nature, and so on. This month the Sun (10/1), Venus (10/5) and Mercury (10/16) make new cycles (conjunctions) with MakeMake. We gain a greater capacity to know that what we experience in the world is part of the divine plan, no matter how it unfolds, although being in Libra, we may be shown this through others’ responses to us. It should be said that Mars manifests 3 times with MakeMake, which is entirely appropriate: physicality is dense, and it will take more than one trine to integrate the higher laws on a physical level.


As the planetary archetypes of our consciousness, heart, and mind travel through Libra, they each get to the via combusta, the Fiery Way.  This is a portion of our energy field that runs from 15° Libra to 15° Scorpio, and it contains intense, vigorous energies. Passage through the via combusta can be uncomfortable, but yields so much wisdom. One by one the Sun (10/8), Venus (10/11) and Mercury (10/20) enter this field, and things will begin to feel more potent. Being centered and aware will be helpful now. This pattern repeats every October.


Yet the fixed star Arcturus and 5D planet Haumea are located here, two very positive and beneficial energies. As each planet makes a new cycle with Arcturus–the Sun on 10/17, Venus, the day after, and Mercury, on 10/26–advanced healing and scientific breakthroughs are available to us.


Venus is traveling with the Sun all month, and they finally come together in a new cycle conjunction on 10/22, just before an exact triple conjunction between the Sun, Venus, and Haumea, archetype of creativity and unity consciousness. This rare triple communion is exceptional and especially positive; with this influence we are aware of our hearts’ desires and what we want to create going forward. Our hearts are fully in it. This three-way aspect makes a great eliminator (inconjunct) with Sedna, whose 5D energies align jwith Libra. We can choose to avail ourselves of the ancient divine feminine energies that are making themselves known on some level. These are the last aspects Haumea makes before she changes signs next month.


October 23 is a huge day of changes. Not only do Saturn and Juno go direct, as mentioned before, but Venus and the Sun enter Scorpio together, and make a great eliminator with retrograde Jupiter in Aries, just before he reenters Pisces (10/28). Jupiter expands our pioneering spirit, and with the shift in our consciousness into the alchemical realm, we are primed to go further in envisioning and manifesting something new that is more aligned with our changing values.


The New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse occurs in Scorpio on 10/25, with Venus in tow. Our emotions are a big part of this eclipse, which is a reboot of consciousness. How do we feel about the changes we are going through? Venus has trouble navigating in this sign, it’s too intense; it’s important to allow our feelings to be felt, and question where they are coming from. Things are coming up to be seen and let go. Ixion and the Black Moon form a bridge which connects with the New Moon; now is the time to explore how our purpose is changing, and why. We are letting the old go, to make space for the new in ourselves.


Shelly offers short, written 5D readings based on one question. For more details, please email me at, with your birth information and your question. I look forward to hearing from you!