September 2023 Monthly Aspects

Shelly LealMonthly Aspects

By: Shelly Leal

September 2023

Gradually the pace starts to pick up this month. There are 4 planets in Virgo, and 5 in Libra, as the planets slowly shift into the sign of the Mirrored Self.  Five planets change signs; Mercury and Venus station direct, with 4 other planets also changing direction; a new season begins, and a wormhole opens in anticipation of another eclipse season. This is a transitory month.


Let’s begin with the stationing planets. Sedna, the universal librarian barely in Gemini, goes retrograde first thing on 9/1, conjunct Alcyone, the main star of the Pleiades. That is some very high dimensional divine feminine energies to recalibrate. Venus stations direct 9/3, and Juno catches up to her on 9/10, mingling energies of love and of valuing our relationships.  As Venus picks up speed, she meets up with Juno again 9/27 for a new cycle, reinforcing their connection and our appreciation of all we are connected to. Jupiter, sitting on the world axis point of 15° Taurus, begins his retrograde 9/4 that lasts till the end of the year. Jupiter expands our consciousness, and even when retrograde his expansive frequencies can be felt. During this time, we go within and reevaluate how we connect socially, where we could have applied wisdom but did not, and how we can expand our consciousness to see the Truth in others.


On 9/15 both Mercury and Ixion station direct, giving a lift to our mental operating systems as well as our collective soul purpose, which is to allow higher consciousness into our lives. New ideas begin to blossom regarding how to actualize that purpose. Ixion’s traveling partner in Capricorn, Quaoar, also stations direct, on 9/20, bringing higher order thinking to bear. Mercury’s new cycle with Orcus 9/25 suggests that while the lower mind is limited, we know that our soul is not, and this is merely a journey we are taking. The final Mercury-Black Moon new cycle 9/26 puts a fine point on that, sharpening our thinking and communication skills for the months ahead.  Mercury leaves his shadow 9/30. Meanwhile, the Black Moon begins her dance with Orcus; their first communion occurs 9/18 and lasts for months. What will we learn about our souls?


The Sun also makes his yearly new cycle with Orcus 9/7, reinforcing the importance of our awareness of the invisible realm that is a part of us. Focusing on the beyond tends to raise our consciousness. Prior to that, on 9/6, the Sun-Mercury inferior conjunction occurs, marking a turning point in Mercury’s retrograde cycle.


A new wormhole opens with the New Moon in Virgo 9/14. Chiron has domain over this lunation, and therefore the wormhole. Wormholes can produce radical shifts in our experience, and although the energies may get wonky, we can count on healing and alignment of our energy bodies wherever Virgo is in our charts. Orcus is nearby the Sun-Moon new cycle; it’s amazing what a big presence he has this month. The New Moon forms a bridge with Neptune; while possibilities and dreams abound, we have the opportunity to discern which ones deserve our attention. Vesta and Pallas both change signs 9/13, Vesta into Cancer and Pallas into Libra, and they form a stepping stone that informs the New Moon. And the Ceres-Haumea new cycle in Libra on the New Moon marks a new beginning in creativity and mastery of what others show us about ourselves.


Now is a good time to discuss Ceres’ travels through Libra. She has been traveling through that sign since June, and she meets MakeMake in July. The via combusta, also known as the Fiery Way, is a portion of our energy field that runs from 15° Libra to 15° Scorpio, and it contains intense, vigorous energies. Passage through the via combusta can be difficult, but yields so much wisdom. Ceres enters that field 8/8, resourcing the Sun, and we may find it more difficult to nurture ourselves, but that is exactly what is needed. By 9/1, Ceres merges with Arcturus, the fixed star representing scientific breakthroughs, and 9/4 she makes a new cycle with the karmic Earth Star Chakra. It’s important to be aware of repeating old wounds. What is also striking is that Ceres makes a Lightbridge to the Soul Star Chakra and Eris; we are undergoing a rebirth of new consciousness, and these breakthroughs will be disruptive to the status quo (and to us as well). After the new cycle with Haumea, discussed above, Ceres enters Scorpio 9/15, manifesting with (trining) Vesta and Astraea, and making a great eliminator (inconjunct) with Sedna. The divine feminine will have something to say, women will be prominently featured.


Mars, also traveling in Libra, makes a new cycle with MakeMake 9/9. The state of everything in physicality, from our bodies to the Earth itself, is in perfect order, although it may not feel like it. We can achieve right action if we remember to use the higher laws of the universe: the Law of Love, of One, Spiritual Attraction, etc. Mars’ energies feel foreign in Libra, and it doesn’t get any better when he enters the via combusta 9/19, the second planet to do so. It is important to pay attention to one’s actions and be as objective as possible. And to look after our bodies.


The Sun enters Libra 9/23, kicking off the Fall/Spring Equinox. Once again, day and night are evenly balanced, and everyone on the planet feels it. The Sun manifests with Sedna, barely moving, and makes a great eliminator with Saturn; and the Vesta-Astraea new cycle also occurs today, squaring the Sun and manifesting with Saturn, calling our attention to our inner authority and the need to step up to our own truths. This ties in with our inner purpose.


On 9/29 the Full Moon in Aries occurs, the final supermoon of the year. Pallas and MakeMake attend the Sun, while Salacia conjoins the Moon. Quaoar forms an intersection between the Sun and Moon, and the Varuna-Chariklo Lightbridge makes supportive aspects to both. The 5D planets raise the frequencies of the Sun and Moon, adding wisdom and lightness, calm and stability, and a higher perspective. Eris and the Soul Star Chakra are conjoined together, only minutes apart, bridging Arcturus and the Earth Star Chakra. This configuration will last for months! It anchors the Full Moon, preparing us for the solar eclipse coming our way.

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