2024 Cancer New Moon Report

Meladie StarMoon Report, New Moon Report Leave a Comment

Written by Meladie Star

14°Cancer 23’20” New Moon on 05 July’24 @ 12:57:24 HST (18:57:24 EST)


Deep within the Core of Being,

a Sacred Rose spiraling open in the Heart, Sparking New Creative Potential of the Soul.

This New Moon is exactly in the center of the Sirius Gateway that takes place each year when the sun enters the 14th degree of Cancer. Sirius is the Spiritual Sun, the Greater Central Sun, the God Star. Sirius is where we awaken to our Spiritual Identity, the Soul’s Identity. Sirius is a star 25x brighter than our Sun. It carries an Energetical Frequency of Spiritual Awakening & Transformation. 

With the Sun, the Moon, & Sirius in an Exact New Cycle, this New Moon is a Fiercely Potent Gateway to Awakening the True Essence of the Soul Spark that exist in each ONE of us. A truly potent moment of Soul Revival. Soul Reclamation.

A Gateway that can offer each individual Soul Spark the energy & opportunity to Honor, Witness, Accept, & Release what was & what has been, to expand into what Can Be. This energy may bring up hidden or suppressed emotions, memories, & stories. In honoring what comes up, without attaching, we HOLD SPACE. In holding space & allowing the energy to flow through like a River, the story & memories can be Integrated, Released, Transformed, and ultimately, Transmuted.

With each release, a new petal of the Heart opens to the fragrance of the Soul.

“Reality is being reformed, redefined. The activation of new neural pathways will trigger new perceptions, new information, new impulses & a re-calibration of DNA. Open yourself to these higher dimensional frequencies. Let go.” ~Darpan 

#SoulSpark #SoulRevival #SoulFamily

Image Credit: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b5/3c/ee/b53cee36b80286ea2242a5ba8526a0ed.jpg

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