2024 Capricorn Full Moon Report- June 21, 2024

Cari CampbellFull Moon Report, Moon Report

2024 Capricorn Full Moon

June 21, 2024

9:07pm EDT

1 Capricorn 06

By Cari Campbell


The Full Moon occurs at the 1st degree of Capricorn, the sign of the Executive Director.  The Moon is conjunct two 5D planets- Ixion at 5 degrees and Quaoar at 9 degrees.  Bridging this is the Sun, of course, as well as Venus at 6 degrees and Mercury at 10 degrees Cancer, the sign of The Mother.   Capricorn is pragmatic, focused and diligent; it’s the sign of Divine Power, while Cancer is emotional, nurturing, and protective; it’s the sign of Emotional Power.  With the additional bridges between Ixion and Quaoar to Venus and Mercury, it’s a potent opportunity to let the Divine inspire us and align our emotional power towards expansion and our highest path at this time.  According to Stephanie Azaria, Ixion represents the promise our Soul made when it entered this lifetime.  Quaoar is the higher octave of Mercury, which allows us to channel new, expansive thoughts from the 5D.  These two 5D planets in cohort with the Moon in Capricorn can really open us up to new, powerful, divine action that supports our mission in this lifetime.

The Moon is currently disposed by Saturn in Pisces, and with the Sun, Mercury and Venus all in Cancer, there is definitely a watery (emotional) component to this Full Moon.  Allow yourself to flow- remember that emotions are Energy in Motion (E-motion).  Our emotional state can power us or hinder us, depending on how deeply we allow and understand our feelings.  At this time, it will be helpful to feel our feelings without the attached story and just allow them to pass through.  For example, if there is something aspirational we want to create (Capricorn), is our emotional state supporting us, or holding us back?  If we feel fear and attach a story of self-doubt to that fear, then our emotions can effectively stop us from moving forward along our path.  Use the Sun, Venus and Mercury in Cancer to illuminate emotional desires, and to understand that it is possible to feel emotions without letting them take over and stop forward movement.  Instead, let us allow our emotions to inform as to what needs attention and possible healing.  Cancer, being The Mother and also representing “home”, can show us where we tend to stay safe and comfortable.  Staying safe and comfortable is not truly living our Soul’s path.  The key is to bridge (get it?  Sun/Moon Full Moon bridge) the distance between our emotional comfort zone and our soul’s desires and balance the two.  It’s not about blindly pushing forward and ignoring our inner state, nor is it about letting our inner state rule us and prohibit forward movement.

Neptune is creating an intersection (otherwise known as a T-square between the Moon and the Sun at the very end of Pisces.   This can add some uncertainty or confusion as you move towards this balance.    With Neptune, the confusion will remain until we get very clear and make an aligned choice.  What is an aligned choice? One that balances the Soul’s calling and the heart’s desires.  Ask yourself, “What are my dreams?  What do I truly desire to create in this lifetime?  What am I being called towards?”  Use this Neptune energy to help you clarify what you are being called towards at this time. 


Mars in Taurus is still reverberating from his recent manifestation with the Moon and in an exact manifestation with Quaoar, while in resource with Venus and Mercury.   This lends a grounded, earthy energy to this lunar event.  We can take aligned actions that will support our growth and our soul-led plans.  The aligned action doesn’t have to be all about attaining material rewards (a very Taurus expression).  It can be about how to comfort yourself (also Taurean) as you move into new territory.   It can also allow the 5D expressions from Ixion and Quaoar to take shape in the physical, 3D world.

Remember that a life lived without feeling isn’t a life truly lived.  Welcome it all and release it all.  It’s all here for you.  Let any fear wash over you and wash away- it does not have to define or confine you.  Happy Full Moon!