Full Moon Report- January 25,2024 Leo Full Moon

Cari CampbellFull Moon Report, Moon Report

Written by Cari Campbell

Leo Full Moon at 5 Degrees, Jan 25th, 12:54pm EST

A creative fire beckons us further onto our Soul’s path, with the first of three full moons occurring at 5 degrees (Leo, Virgo and a lunar eclipse in Libra)! This is our opportunity to create (Leo), care for our creation with diligence (Virgo), and then come into balance (Libra). Let’s dream it and get to it!

The Moon is forming a Finger of God between Saturn (5 Pisces) and Venus (2 Cap)- the Sun (and Pluto at 0 Aquarius) forms a boomerang yod and is the outlet of this formation- meaning, the Sun’s expression is the release valve of pent up energy and/or tension. Venus is who/what we love outwardly, material resources, and also our self-worth. Saturn is in a harmonious sextile to Venus, offering the chance to create supportive structures and routines around these themes. The Moon, and the emotional state this lunation brings, may be making us feel like we can’t have what we want due to irreconcilable issues or other complexities, and our job is to come into balance between how we are feeling (the Moon) and how we are expressing ourselves (Sun). The light of the Sun is fully illuminating the Moon, so this is the time where we can more clearly see how our emotions are influencing us- what can we see now that we couldn’t around the time of the New Moon? What clarity is coming our way, and how can we use this in regards to any feelings (Moon) that are coming up saying that we can’t have what we want?
But wait- Pluto is involved, loosely conjunct the Sun and forming a bridge with the Moon, so this is deep. Something is ready to be transformed. What needs to go? This is a Full Moon after all- the end of a cycle! What intentions did you set at the New Moon? What needs to die off that doesn’t support those intentions? The Sun and Pluto are in Aquarius, which presents a beautiful opportunity to step into our true identity. To live authentically. To love and be loved. To allow it all in. Maybe what needs to die off is the tendency to close our hearts, and hide our authentic selves. Maybe we can have what we want once we are willing to release that which no longer serves.

The Sun and Moon are forming an intersection with Jupiter at 5 Taurus. This, again, represents a tension between contrasting desires. Expansion is definitely on tap with this lunar event, and we are being called to reconcile that which stops us from moving forward. On the flip side, don’t let your emotions get the better of you and take you too far into expansion and excess! Jupiter is in grounded, earthy Taurus and this can be beneficial in that we can take practical steps towards what we want. On the other hand, we may choose material matters over what really serves our highest good. This is a great time to meditate on our wants vs our needs, and how we can consciously expand to incorporate both.

Mercury and Mars are coming into a new cycle- these two planets are forming a stepping stone with the Nodes, and Chiron is getting ready to form a new cycle (conjunction) with the Soul Star Chakra (North Node) on February 19th. Our thoughts and actions are getting into alignment around moving towards our highest good- following the path of soul growth. With Chiron there, this may hurt a bit. But what hurts is where the healing and growth lies, so don’t turn away. Our comfort zone (Earth Star Chakra/South Node) may look very appealing right now. It’s safe. It’s comfortable. We don’t have to look at what hurts. But that doesn’t move us forward towards our highest good.
This is the time to focus on what we want to manifest. Leo Full Moons are ripe with creative potential. What great potential do you want to embrace? How can you align your heart, mind and actions towards this potential? There is so much energy here to support you!