The Lions Gate New Moon Report

Meladie StarMoon Report, New Moon Report

Written by Meladie Starr

12Leo 34’1” New Moon on 04 August’24 @ 01:13:01 HST (07:13:01 EST)


Be Fierce. Be Bold. Be Brave. Be Courageous. Be Generous. Be Radiant. Be Playful. Be Unapologetically You.

Serve Your Light,
Serve Your Heart,
In doing so,
You Light Up the World.


Leo is the Sun. Leo is Life Force Energy! 

Leo is the aspect of consciousness within in each of us that reminds us to shine like the sun, to be playful, to Lighten Up. To be the center of light, to be the spotlight, and to do it from a space of Selflessness. The sun shines without borders, without boundaries. It shines on all, giving to all. We individually serve all by shining our Light. 

With a New Moon, the Sun & Moon are in the same sign, at the same degree. This is  beginning a new Lunar cycle. An invitation to open new doors, to plant new seeds, to make the changes necessary that will lead to a greater experience in life.

This is an experience that each one of us is creating through the lenses of perception that we choose to view life through. Without judgement, one can choose to acknowledge what is creating disharmony in one’s life. Then the choice can be made to change the perception, to change the choice, to change the direction. 

Conjoining this new moon is Vesta, the Fire of Devotion. She is granting us an extra dose of Fire energy, devotional energy, to courageously make the changes for the betterment of this experience. 

Also conjoining, Varuna, the All-Seeing Eye, the Cosmic Eye. She is gifting us a broader scope of vision to aid in making the perceptual changes that guide us to the path of our Highest Vision, Highest Version of Self. And this blessing from Varuna comes minutes, before Mercury Enters Retrograde at 18:56HST (05August 00:56EST).

This New Moon is also taking place inside of the Lions Gate portal, a portal of heightened spiritual energy & soul wisdom, that peaks on 08 August ’24. 8:8:8! 

8 is associated with Self-empowerment, which starts with the realization of the power self has in Life. 

“It is up to You to Regain, to Reclaim, to Restore, & to Regenerate Life Force energy & to make the choice to Live Freely & Shine Like the Beautiful Bold Bright Star You Are!”

#Lifeforce #Liberation #Freedom