The week ahead features more shifting and changing than you’re likely to be prepared for, after such a long haul inside that disruptive eclipse energy and the anticipation of that long journey finally ending. But when one door closes another opens, and those two events are almost always the same thing. There’s no wait in between an ending and the inevitable beginning that ensues, especially when you make it your express purpose to get on with things. Your planet, Uranus, interacts very harmoniously with Saturn this week, who turns direct on Thursday. New structure is yours, as long as you’re willing to allow your awakened Self to have its say. Ceres arrives just in time to lift you out of any doldrums you may have gotten into. There’s a strong, life-affirming week ahead.
Allow your Self a good look at how far you’ve come.
***This guidance column was written by Stephanie Azaria for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.
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