You’re currently involved in a process that might be considered a deep dive into your shadow Self. Fortunately, you’re more courageous than most, even if you don’t think of your Self that way. Sometimes when you’re caught up in a deeply engaging experience of Self, the world undergoes major transformation while you aren’t looking. Of course, it’s just reflecting the shift that’s taking place within you, but for now, it appears to be happening with or without you. An inner journey requires your undiluted attention, and the more you can give your Self, the better off you’ll be when this chapter is complete. That won’t be till mid-February. You’re right in the middle of it, and you’re doing a great job. Do your best not to compare your Self to anyone or anything at this time.
This moment is expressly meant for you alone.
***This guidance column was written by Stephanie Azaria for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.
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