Capricorn- 10/28-11/13/23

Stephanie AzariaWeekly Horoscope - Capricorn

Bi Monthly Horoscopes: October 28 – November 13, 2023
Taurus Full Moon- SOLAR ECLIPSE
By Stephanie Azaria

 CAPRICORN- (December 21-January 20):

With your capacity to get things done, you’ll find this Taurus lunar eclipse offers you a unique opportunity to dig down deeply into your emotional core and trust your Self as never before to reach your greatest goals and turn them into reality. Saturn is preparing to turn direct (November 4) and will be stationing at 0 Pisces until November 27. During this time, you can make anything happen. Just get crystal clear about what you want.


***This guidance column was written by Stephanie Azaria for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.

**Stephanie offers groundbreaking personal readings, including 5D readings, half hour guidance session bundles, transits, relationship readings, returns, and so much more. All of Stephanie’s readings include the recently discovered 5D planets in our solar system, which reveal the Truth about your higher Self. TO SCHEDULE YOUR PRIVATE SESSION, please CLICK HERE