
Stephanie AzariaWeekly Horoscope - Capricorn

It isn’t likely you’ll be able to put your finger on where all the energy is coming from this week, nor will you be able to fully grasp the magnitude of it in any exact way. Don’t try to figure it out, because if you do, you’ll be wasting the precious moments this moment allows. You’re on a launching pad. Not just ANY launching pad, the one you so diligently worked toward, every day of your life, whether you knew it or not. Don’t stop to get a grip, don’t hope to catch a glimpse of anything that hasn’t manifested yet. Just keep going. Keep breathing, taking one step at a time… whatever step shows up for you, and give it everything you’ve got, just as you always do. The more present you are, the more magnificent this lift off becomes.
Eyes wide open.

***This guidance column was written by Stephanie Azaria for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.

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