Changes to your body, your home or your geographical location have been the main theme for months now. It may appear that these circumstances have eased up as the week begins, and they have, on so many levels. But a bigger picture perspective reveals a reorganization of sorts, which leads to the full-blown realization of a major shift that’s required. You’ve known this was coming, but it’s been so hard to put your finger on till now. As the fog lifts and the dust settles, your next move becomes crystal clear. The Full Moon on Saturday lights it all up for you, and energizes you in a new direction that wasn’t at all on your radar screen. Do your Self a favor and refuse to analyze the new options. Trust your heart to move you.
There’s so much freedom in the act of surrender.
***This guidance column was written by Stephanie Azaria for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.
EVERYONE’S GUIDE TO THE NEW 5D PLANETS: An all new webinar from Stephanie Azaria, THIS COMING SUNDAY! CLICK HERE for details and to REGISTER.