
Stephanie AzariaWeekly Horoscope - Gemini

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There’s an eclipse this Wednesday that can produce some pretty emotional waves in your life, and it’s up to you to ride them rather than resist them. Emotion is important, because it provides a momentum that nothing else can, but it’s essential not to attach your Self to anything you feel. If you do, you forego the chance to let the wave your feelings produce deliver you to the shore. In this case, the shoreline is entirely new. You have a chance this week to ride your intense emotions to a previously uninhabited inner space that promises to be more fulfilling than anything you’ve known so far. You may say you don’t particularly care about the way things feel, and that may have gotten you past many sticking points in the past. But your emotions can no longer be ignored.
Let them move you.

***This guidance column was written by Stephanie Azaria for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.

**Stephanie offers all kinds of groundbreaking personal readings, including personal 5D planet readings, half hour guidance sessions, and so much more. All of Stephanie’s readings include the recently discovered planets in our solar system, which reveal the Truth about your higher Self. TO SCHEDULE YOUR PRIVATE SESSION, please CLICK HERE: