For you the requisite balance that is manifesting this week is all about the way you focus your Light. You can be so uplifting and life-affirming when you’re centered in your heart. In fact, when your heart motivates you there’s no person place or thing that you can’t move, or at the very least, warm up considerably. But when you’re down, or worried, or doubtful, it’s as if the whole world is covered in clouds, and everyone around you feels the same way. The week ahead is energized for a new planting of positive energies. A planting is best accomplished in full Sunlight. The new seeds you plant will yield a new very positive energy that allows you to do the true work you came to do. This is not only a wondrous accomplishment, it’s everything you’ve ever yearned for.
Let the planting begin!
***This guidance column was written by Stephanie Azaria for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.
**Stephanie is now offering personal 5D PLANET READINGS. TO SCHEDULE YOUR PRIVATE SESSION, please CLICK HERE:
REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN FOR MY NEW 2016/2017 COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS CERTIFICATION PROGRAM! Learn the new language of 5D with Stephanie! Classes begin September 6 with an 8 week adjunct course to calibrate the chakras to the 5D frequencies. CLICK HERE for the details!