
Stephanie AzariaWeekly Horoscope - Pisces

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It seems strange to talk about very tangible changes in the middle of an eclipse passage, but it seems that for you life takes on some very significant new substance this week. It’s important to trust it, because it’s all so new, you won’t be able to check it out with Google or the like. This is brand new territory, and one of the first things that happens inside this powerfully transformational time is an idea or a creative project that comes up requiring an immediate launch. You’ll know it when it appears. Consider this your sideways elevator. Don’t try to understand what that term means, just be willing and ready to go with the flow of whatever comes up, no matter how unusual it is. You’ll manifest great things in the new order.
Take this rare moment to step into the new you.

***This guidance column was written by Stephanie Azaria for TheCosmicPath.com. It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.

**Stephanie offers all kinds of groundbreaking personal readings, including personal 5D planet readings, half hour guidance sessions, and so much more. All of Stephanie’s readings include the recently discovered planets in our solar system, which reveal the Truth about your higher Self. TO SCHEDULE YOUR PRIVATE SESSION, please CLICK HERE: