
Stephanie AzariaWeekly Horoscope - Pisces

Consider what youā€™re working so hard to make happen – that you feel just isnā€™t manifesting, no matter how hard you try. Surely you can feel that the energies are all new, and that maybe thereā€™s a different way to go about this effort. Where is the struggle? Instead of fighting it, resisting it, or ignoring it, look it right in the eye and see what itā€™s all about. Once you get to know the part of you that wonā€™t cooperate, youā€™ll find it stops causing you problems that keep you stuck. All ā€œstucknessā€ is fear based. Look for the fear and it will disappear before your eyes, once you know its name. Itā€™s not unusual to let a fear or two keep you from fulfilling your Self. Itā€™s called being afraid of your own power.
Thereā€™s nothing you canā€™t handle with your limitless Self.

***This guidance column was written by Stephanie Azaria for TheCosmicPath.com. It may be shared freely, but only when the authorā€™s name and website are included.

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