Ancient issues that have come up for revisitation may have caught you by surprise, but you know everything has its absolute purpose, and it’s in your best interest to stay with the discomfort that arises and see it through. There’s a major breakthrough on the other side of this tough moment. Above all, refuse to identify with the feelings you’re feeling. They are ancient and have little to do with the great person you’ve become. There will always be those people places and things that remind you of an older version of your Self, but when they show up, they’re designed to assist in a major house cleaning, NOT to drag you back to an unhappier past. Fathom your depths, because it isn’t every day you get the chance to do so.
There’s an incredible, shiny new chapter being produced by this side trip.
***This guidance column was written by Stephanie Azaria for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.
**To schedule a private session with Stephanie, please Click here: