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With five planets (soon to be six) traveling through your sign right now, you should notice a distinctive lift to your spirits, not to mention a very full agenda that shows no signs of letting up any time soon. Your planet, Jupiter, remains in Scorpio for the next year, promising some important alchemy and transformation, of the very kind you’ve been hoping for. The secret to achieving these changes is ALLOWING them, and absolutely positively NOT reaching for them. The days of making your desires happen are no longer the way to go. Trusting what’s been in your heart all along and letting those dreams emerge, THAT is how you realize them. It is the way of the Divine Feminine. You’ve noticed her voice being restored to the planet lately?
Don’t think for a moment that process is separate from you, because it’s not.
***This guidance column was written by Stephanie Azaria for TheCosmicPath.com. It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.
**Stephanie offers all kinds of groundbreaking personal readings, including personal 5D planet readings, half hour guidance sessions, and so much more. All of Stephanie’s readings include the recently discovered planets in our solar system, which reveal the Truth about your higher Self. TO SCHEDULE YOUR PRIVATE SESSION, please CLICK HERE: