This is the perfect time to remember that in any scenario life offers up, you are the solid ground, the immovable force that everyone looks to for security and support when it looks like it’s all falling apart. To be able to hold this energy this week you’ll need to keep the focus on your Self. When you look around you, you’ll see the same chaos everyone sees. But you alone know that the secret to remaining sturdy and solid is to hold to your center, and allow your strength to manifest as fully as possible. There are many twists and turns this week, but if you remain in observer mode, you’ll easily see that none of it is truly about you, and you can let it serve your growth by allowing it to make you stronger and more solid.
Bloom where you’re planted.
***This guidance column was written by Stephanie Azaria for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.
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