
Stephanie AzariaWeekly Horoscope - Taurus

There’s something happening in your life that’s related to a romance, a child, or a creative project. It is very much front and center now, more so than usual. It requires a kind of nurturing TLC that is uncommon, even for you, but it’s in your best interest to make that loving care your top priority. It may seem to you that doing this would benefit the child, the relationship or the project, and of course it would. But the Truth is in your realization of how much this kind of loving effort benefits you. It opens up all kind of possibilities in you that you’ve never considered before. If you focus on giving the best effort you’ve got, you’ll find untapped strengths and talents that can serve you with abundance and joy for many years to come.
The choice is entirely your own.

***This guidance column was written by Stephanie Azaria for TheCosmicPath.com. It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.

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