Cosmic Consciousness Daily

Stephanie AzariaCosmic Consciousness Blog

REGISTER NOW to join me and Ray Rolando for our THIRD COSMIC ENCHANTMENT Q&A, THIS COMING TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 1,  from 7-9pm EST. Here is your chance to get your most personal questions answered as Ray and I channel the Masters and Archangels. CLICK HERE to Register. Exchange: $33

Check out all the new Cosmic Consciousness from Christine Clemmer, Shelly Leal!

Yesterday was a changing day of the grandest proportions. So much is changing, on every level of our lives, and it looks like there is SO much more where that comes from. There’s a lot going on with the planets, reflecting all that’s going on within us, and while there are many important bridges open, allowing any of us who wants to to access all the parts of any polarity of consciousness that is activated by these oppositions, it seems to me it is the upcoming Mars retrograde cycle that is bringing all the intense change. Why? Because Mars is the reflection of the physical body, and all the energy we are working with. With Mars preparing to retrograde AND dance with Saturn (and Jupiter), and also give disposition to the Uranus Eris conjunction which is already manifesting in Mars’ sign, it seems that Mars is the main player in all that is going down, and it’s just getting started.


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The Wave X Cosmic Rays transmuting our very physicality, the new crystalline body finding its way into a whole new way of existing, as it relates to food, and all the elements, cancer breakthroughs and a new virus that eats the brains of developing embryos, but harms no one else. Finding molecules that travel faster than Light, producing new physics, and locating a planet that is announced and made official, though no one has laid eyes on it. Everything in this world has changed or is changing, and the polarization of all that has been is what is so predominant at this time.


We are living through a most exquisite time on this planet. It is all about expansion and transmutation of the lower body system to accommodate the embodiment of the higher Self. Until now the lower and higher Selves were experienced as two separate things. But of course NOTHING can be separate from anything else, and we understand that now.


Whatever we come to understand becomes our responsibility to LIVE. We must walk our talk now. There is no escaping and no denying the Truth we can now recognize. All that is left is to live it. And that means physically. And that is why Mars is bringing up the rear on this recalibration upgrade.


Tomorrow marks the Sun Neptune conjunction at 9 Pisces, which forms a stepping stone (square) with the 9 Sagittarius stations of Saturn and Mars in the summer time. Mercury and Venus will both conjoin Neptune at 9 Pisces in the weeks ahead. Orcus, a higher dimensional planet that serves to welcome us to the invisible realm after Pluto delivers us to it, is sitting in a bridge with Neptune in Virgo. The Orcus Neptune Birdge opens us to much higher Seflf realizations, and this stand to become very personal to us as the lower body rulers come into the bridge experience.


Last Monday’s Full Moon in Virgo was very much conjunct Orcus. We are undeniably in brand new conscious territory. Best we can do is sit back and watch the movie unfold. The special effects are sure to be amazing, as we have never seen them before.


“You are the sky. Everything else – it’s just the weather.”

Pema Chodron