Cosmic Channel of the Week

Jan FinleyChannel of the Week

We have made it to the last week of May in this upside-down topsy turvy world we inhabit and now we find ourselves in a wormhole, those dreaded eclipse passages. It’s been a while since we have experienced one but one thing I definitely know is that we have learned to ride the wave this year and a wormhole is just another wave.   Sideways elevators, as Stephanie calls the eclipse passages, are shortcuts to somewhere we need to be, regardless of the circumstances that get us there. We tend to perceive sentences like that one as somewhat negative and even scary.   Anything that takes us out of normal and predictable can be intimidating, but our lives right now are anything but predictable and normal. Remember all the important stuff: self-care, consideration for others, observer’s perch, heart-centred and so on.   The rest you can handle in the moment. We’ve got this. Whoever said an eclipse passage can’t be amazing anyway??!
Sometimes I think we are so focused on what is breaking that we forget what is simultaneously being born. We forget our own resurrection.
Resurrection indeed. You will discover new depths, new gifts, new talents and new opportunities. Be open to this possibility. Do not think you would be thrown into an Ending without rediscovering the requisite skills and talents needed for a new Beginning.
These eclipses (and it is no accident that there are three rather than two) come as divine gifts to humankind. Three denotes creation and opportunities will abound for those with an open heart. Unexpected doors will open and the way forward made clear. Humankind is being given the opportunity to step into its divinity in action. Consider it a jumpstart of sorts. Though Free Will is a right, those who love and guide you have determined that a gentle push in the right direction might not go amiss – for those who need it. For others, this passage exposes hidden treasures and reclaimed gifts. Embrace the way forward. There is no going back. That door has closed.
Place your attention on where you want to be and on the conscious person you want to be as you travel toward that goal.
Well, all right then, let’s do this thing!

***This guidance column was written by Jan Finley for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.

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Cosmic Channel of the Week

Jan FinleyChannel of the Week

The shelter at home regulations are easing and people are venturing out, with varying degrees of caution, some of it quite violent. We have seen it on the news, men and women lashing out in anger and frustration. We are seeing made visible the result of unacknowledged shadow rising to the surface after weeks of disrupted predictability and uncertainty. Add to that concerns about jobs and money, fears about safety and it becomes a giant soup of instability.
Each of us is experiencing our own version of that. I have seen it played out in my own life, with family members and friends. A tenseness, a shortness in communication, an irritation where there should be none, all of these inform us that we are uncomfortable in our new surroundings and it is beginning to chafe.
As we enter the New World, we leave behind the 3D polarized beings that we have been. We are evolving, ascending into unified 5D beings. Remembering that we cannot bring our unacknowledged and un-wholed parts of ourselves with us, it is more important than ever that we face ourselves with an open and accepting heart.
We can see very clearly “out there” what resistance creates. Facing our inner demons can be very uncomfortable but the alternative means that we will be forced, through life experiences, to come face to face with our mirrored self. And that can be brutal when resistance is at the wheel…
We speak to you from the greatest well of love. Your limitless attraction to resistance speaks well of your determination but exposes your proclivity for learning the hard way. The dawn of the New World is here. That cannot be denied, and the human race will move forward. The Transformation of Humanity has begun and resistance will not stop it. Indeed, it only prolongs the inevitable and makes it painful, which is unnecessary in the extreme.
Those of you with eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to lead the way must model acceptance and openness. Feeling frustration and anger can act as motivation when acknowledged and made conscious. Make each step you take an act of deliberate meditation and consciousness. When faced with a choice, first you must ask your heart what the next right step should be.  
Be kind to yourselves. Change can be disorienting at best, but this ordained change will not be thwarted. Kindness toward yourselves eases your way and softens your path ahead.
A door has opened in front of you and there is no going back to the old ways, therefore make your life a living meditation. Each step, each breath reinforced with the love that permeates all existence smooths the way forward. When life feels uncomfortable, too tight, restrictive, the need to act, to do something, anything to make it comfortable again is strong. This is the moment to stop, to breathe, to hold the light and allow spirit and heart to speak to you.
You come from the stars. This is second nature to you. Breathe and step forward.

***This guidance column was written by Jan Finley for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.

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Cosmic Channel of the Week

Jan FinleyChannel of the Week

Photo by author
This spring, in the midst of world chaos, a mated pair of purple finches made a nest in a bucket of silk flowers that hangs next to my front door. They spent much of their time on the transom above the door serenading me, however inadvertently.   I have little familiarity with purple fiches so this is my first up-close encounter and I have to say that I find them enchanting.
Once the nest was completed, one egg arrived and a couple of days later, four more were added. The male stayed busy, bringing the mother food and singing to her and the world (and me). Even on rainy nasty days, one or the other of them spent time on the transom singing with all their hearts.*
A few weeks later, the eggs hatched and five babies arrived in the world. The parents were very busy gathering food to feed all five of them, but they still found time to sing. Before long, the babies were learning to fly. The song became cacophony as hungry babies clamored for food and attention. I watched with joy from my dining room window as the fat, fluffy babies became stronger and more skilled. I watched as they learned to sing too.
The babies have left home now, but they have stayed nearby, which delights me.   Now I have seven purple finches who grace my porch to share their song with me. The male still sits on my transom every morning and sings for several hours. Both he and the female return in late afternoon to sing, often accompanied by one or more of the babies.
These birds have been art in a world of closures, beauty in a world of chaos, miracle as deaths mount, and comfort in a world of isolation. They have touched me profoundly and I am indebted to them for bringing me such joy, however unintended the gift was.
And so I am told:
Earth abounds with joy and miracle. Your lives here were never designed to leave you bereft of comfort, for in the remembrance of beauty, joy and love lies the pathway Home. All was planned to keep you from forgetting completely all that you are, designed as gentle reminders along the way to prod you through that most powerful tool you received: your heart. 
Embrace these reminders, however mundane they might appear at first, as they light the way home to your deepest heart, which in turn opens the way to the New World. Pause and acknowledge a moment of transcendence as it occurs, allowing it to fill your heart completely. Turn your eyes from those who act in anger, violence or selfishness, for your path is not theirs. They have their own destiny to fulfill, as do you. Search instead for the anger and violence within your deepest being. Once something within you is named, it loses its power over you. Thank it for the lesson learned and breathe into your heart, where love lies waiting.
Watch for the gifts, clean your house within and embrace the joy that is there waiting for you. The Pathway home is yours.
*If you have never heard purple finches sing, check out this link:
(A serious note from me: It has never been as important as it is right now for each of us to do our shadow work. I know I have said it repeatedly and I am saying it again: dig deep, find that old stuff, bring it into the light and own it with love. I cannot emphasize enough how important this is!! And it is important right now, this minute, not next week when you have time or it is convenient. Now. Get on it. Xoxo
The Karmic Debt of accumulated lives aches to be released. Release the dross so the gold within takes wing. It is less frightening than you think and more powerful than you can imagine.

***This guidance column was written by Jan Finley for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.

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Cosmic Channel of the Week

Jan FinleyChannel of the Week

There enters in every human’s life a time when a life-altering decision must be made. You as a world are in this place at this moment. You must decide indisputably who you are. Are you simply the entity you currently embody in this lifetime or are you a divine being with the ability to co-create your own reality? Humans have lived their lives with a watch-wait-and-see attitude for far too long due to passiveness and an unwillingness to accept responsibility for each role played in creating the conundrum within which you currently find yourselves embroiled. While time is a human construct, it has nonetheless been incorporated into your reality, so I say to you: The time is now. You must each and everyone be part of the solution, but in your heart, you must act and believe as if the decision to do so relies solely on your participation to be successful. Because it does. You must believe that time, as you count it, is of the essence. Because it is.
A new round of changes is on the horizon, amidst the current changes all humans are attempting to incorporate. Embrace the uncertainty with the knowledge that you are loved beyond imagining by all who watch, guide and teach you.
Today take a moment and look outside your windows. In spite of the chaos that currently defines our personal lives, life on earth continues to move forward. Flowers bloom as spring progresses in the northern hemisphere and winter brings hints of her bite in the southern. Outside my house, the birds sing with absolute abandon and joy this spring, untouched by the disease that has profoundly impacted human life.
We here in the southern US are opening back up, despite recommendations for caution and care. One cannot help but see the spector of a second wave of cases coming as people begin to pour out of their houses to shop, eat out, go to movies and so on. We know so very little about this disease that continues to exhibit more and more symptoms as it cries out to be heard.
We really thought life on earth would go on as it always had and we would be ok. We forgot that life on earth can go on without us. Without us, Mother Earth might slowly reclaim her paradise and become the Garden of Eden once more.
What can you do, you ask? Where you see greed in corporations and politicians out there, seek for greed within your own heart. What do you covet, cling to? Let it go.
Where you see acts of anger and violence, seek for the seeds of those acts within you. Where do you feel fear and helplessness? Most anger and violence stem from there, buried deeply within. Seek to love the unlovable hidden within your heart. Where you hate, down deep inside, where you judge others, where you turn your back on need, find them all, each and everyone and bring them into the light.
If you wish to see change for the better out there, then it must start within your own heart. Face the unlovable, accept that it is part of you and own it. Own it with all your heart. In doing so, you create room for forgiveness, both for yourself and others, which in turn creates profound Wholing.
As we own up to our complete responsibility for our thoughts, words and actions, we remember the divine beings that we are and begin to co-create this beautiful New World that is coming whether we are present or not.
There is so much beauty in the world around us, just as there is an incredible amount of beauty within our own hearts. Let’s make a concerted effort to allow that to dominate our lives, indeed to become the entirety of our lives. We are so much more than we have ever thought we are. Let today be the day we step fully into that.

***This guidance column was written by Jan Finley for It may be shared freely, but only when the author’s name and website are included.

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